A Django application that enables authentication against a remote WSO2 Identity Server.
pip install django-wso2is-auth
- In your Django project's settings file, change the Django
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ['django_wso2is.backends.WSO2isAuthenticationBackend',]
- If you are using Rest framework and want to authenticate API requests against WSO2 Identity server:
# ... other rest framework settings.
- Lastly, you need to provide some settings:
# The URL of your WSO2 identity server
"SERVER_URL": "<str>",
# The "OAuth Client Key" of your service provider
"OAUTH_CLIENT_ID": "<str>",
# The "OAuth Client Secret" of your service provider
"OAUTH_SECRET_KEY": "<str>",
# The username of the service provider admin
# The password of the service provider admin
# The name of the admin role for the client (e.g. `Application/Administration`)
# The group's admin role name
"GROUP_ADMIN_ROLE": "<str>",
# Whether the validity of the server's SSL certificate should be validated.
# default=`False`. WARNING: This should be `True` in production environments.
"VERIFY_SSL": False,
# When a user is successfully authenticated with the WSO2 server this user
# will be created or updated in the local database. This search is based on `DJANGO_USER_LOOKUP_FIELD`.
# This field is optional (default=None), and in such cases the lookup is performed based on the `USERNAME` field
# of the auth user model, which by default corresponds to the `username` field.
# For instance, if you want this lookup to be based on email
# you can specify `"DJANGO_USER_LOOKUP_FIELD": "email"`
# This dictionary makes the mapping between attributes of the local user with attributes of the remote user.
# This field is optional (default=None), but it is HIGHLY recommended you customize it. By default only `username` get's mapped
# to WSO2's attribute "userName". A more detailed example of how to customize this field will be presented below.
ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING: {"username": "userName"} # dict in format 'local_attribute' : 'remote_attribute'
You are all set!
As previously mentioned, only the mapping between the username field is done. Let's say you have the following django User model:
class MyUser(AbstractBaseUser):
# first_name, last_name and email exist by default in django.contrib.auth user model
# Now we specify new custom fields to save the user's organization and phone number from WSO2 identity server
user_organization = models.CharField(max_length=255,null=True, blank=True)
phone_number = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True)
external_id = models.CharField(max_length=255, null=True, blank=True)
First we can inspect the JSON response from WSO2 to see the user information that is being returned to django. (This assumes you already configured everything else)
# Inside django's shell (python manage.py shell)
from django_wso2is import Token
from pprint import pprint
token = Token.from_credentials("sample-username", "sample-password")
You should get something like this:
{'emails': ['sample-email@gmail.com'],
'id': '6b15e727-6b52-4d15-a9c9-b166a0439aa1',
'meta': {'created': '2023-01-19T10:44:51.563609Z',
'lastModified': '2023-01-19T15:52:48.282703Z',
'location': 'https://sample-wso2is-server:9443/scim2/Users/6b15e727-6b52-4d15-a9c9-b166a0439aa1',
'resourceType': 'User'},
'name': {'familyName': 'John', 'givenName': 'Doe'},
'phoneNumbers': [{'type': 'mobile', 'value': '914420876'}],
'roles': [{'type': 'default',
'value': 'Internal/everyone,Application/Administração'},
{'$ref': 'https://sample-wso2is-server:9443/scim2/Roles/f0da2c12-f4c5-49dd-81f6-5077dfdd98d1',
'display': 'Application/Administration',
'value': 'f0da2c12-f4c5-49dd-81f6-5077dfdd98d1'},
{'$ref': 'https://sample-wso2is-server:9443/scim2/Roles/75ace894-dc8b-495f-8438-60a066d84966',
'display': 'everyone',
'value': '75ace894-dc8b-495f-8438-60a066d84966'}],
'schemas': ['urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User',
'urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User': {'country': 'Portugal',
'organization': 'My organization'},
'userName': 'sample-username'}
To accommodate these additional fields the attribute mapping will be:
"username": "userName",
"email": "emails[0]", # [0] because WSO2 returns the key "emails" as a list
"phone_number": "phoneNumbers[0].value", # [0].value because WSO2 returns the key "phoneNumbers" as a list of objects with key "value"
"first_name": "name.givenName", # .givenName because WSO2 returns nested "name" object
"last_name": "name.familyName", # .familyName for the same reason as before
"external_id": "id", # Simple attribute mapping
If you want to hook additional behaviour after an user has been authenticated, you can simply attach to the user_authenticated
signal. For instance, let's say we want to also get/create and associate with the user a Group
object based on the user WSO2 roles.
from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django_wso2is.signals import user_authenticated
from django_wso2is import Token
def wso2_user_authenticated(sender, user, token: Token, **kwargs):
# Get user roles
roles: list[str] = [role for role in token.client_roles]
for role in roles:
group, _ = Group.objects.get_or_create(name=role)