"To create an .exe [application] file from a python script
Precautions :->
Save the resources in one folder, Do not save the folder inside another folder [ It will not give full
permission to execute the commands. # ParentContainsErrorRecordException]
Check Spellings Before Running the commands, Do not put any Space in your main python programme Name. [# File not found show]
Do not use the " icon " word as a name of yours. ICO [icon] file; always use a different name. [ # It will show no icon file found]
Do not Close Powershell window until "Building EXE from EXE-00.toc completed successfully" Message not shows.
Install ' Inno Setup Compiler ' [free application ] and Pyinstaller [run->
pip install pyinstaller
] -
Create an .ICO [icon ] file, Save Python script with all the resources in the same folder.
Open folder and press 'Shift + right click' select and run ' PowerShell window.'
Run this line->
pyinstaller -F -i "myicon.ico" myscriptname.py
^ ^ | | (icon file name ) (Python file name)
Go to " dist " folder and get application file, delete remain file except for resources.
Open Inno setup to make .exe file which is Installable /Executable in Windows PC, select ‘ Create a new script file using script
Wizard ' and browse to select your application. -
Select all required things for your application # Icon of setup file # Before installation document # Licence .etc
Click ' Yes ' to all, in the End, go to Output Folder get 'setup file' of application and click on open to install.