A library to make CIImage.properties type-safe with Codable
There are many process for modifying exif of photo on Swift like this:
import CoreImage
import Foundation
import ImageIO
extension DateFormatter {
static var tiff: DateFormatter {
let formatter: DateFormatter = .init()
formatter.locale = NSLocale.system
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy:MM:dd HH:mm:ss"
return formatter
let testCIImage: CIImage? = .init(contentsOf: URL(string: "file:///path/to/image"))
// Get a dictionary which contains exif dictionary
guard var imageProperties: [String: Any] = testCIImage?.properties else { return }
// Get dictionary of exif
var exifDictionary: [String: Any]? = imageProperties[kCGImagePropertyExifDictionary as String] as? [String: Any]
// modify dictionary of exif with using pre-defined constant
exifDictionary?[kCGImagePropertyExifDateTimeDigitized as String] = DateFormatter.tiff.date(from: .now)
// modify dictionary which is parent dictionary of exif with using pre-defined constant
imageProperties[kCGImagePropertyExifDictionary as String] = exifDictionary
// Generate a new CIImage which exif is modified
let metadataModifiedCIImage: CIImage = testCIImage?.settingProperties(imageProperties)
It's annoying.
This library solves this annoying amount processes for modifying exif.
If you want to modify the digitized date of photo, you can write like this.
let testCIImage: CIImage? = .init(contentsOf: URL(string: "file:///path/to/image"))
guard var imageProperties: ImageIOProperties = testCIImage?.swiftyImageProperties else { return }
imageProperties.exif?.dateTimeDigitized = .now
let metadataModifiedCIImage: CIImage? = try? testCIImage?.settingProperties(imageProperties)
That's it!