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New version 0.1.4

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@UlyssesZh UlyssesZh released this 24 Apr 05:16
· 27 commits to master since this release

New features:

  • The Ruby requirements become ">= 2.7", so update your Ruby.
  • Added a colorful REPL! Run Alda::repl and see.
$ ruby -ralda-rb -e "Alda.repl"
> puts status
[27713] Server up (2/2 workers available, backend port: 33245)
> piano_ c d e f
[piano: c d e f]
> 5.times do
> c
> end
c c c c c
> puts history
[piano: c d e f]
c c c c c
> play
> save 'temp.alda'
> puts `cat temp.alda`
[piano: c d e f]
c c c c c
> system 'rm temp.alda'
> exit
  • More than 2 events written together will become an Sequence object (contained by a EventContainer). Events that can use such sugar includes: part (supports dot accessor), note, rest, octave, voice, marker, at-marker. { p((c d e).event.class) } # => Alda::Sequence
  • Added: o! means octave up, o? means octave down. This is to be compatible with the sugar above.
  • Similarly added: ! at the end of a note means sharp, and ? for flat, _ for natural. It conflicts with slur, so __ means slur, and ___ means slur and natural. { piano_ c o? b? o! c o? b? }.to_s
# => "[piano: c < b- > c < b-]"
  • Added attr accessor Event#container.
  • Fixed the bug occurring when one uses a dot accessor wrongly.
  • Added Sequence::join to join several events into a flatten sequence.
  • Fixed the bug in examples/alternate_endings.rb.
  • Some of the examples are rewritten using the new sugar feature.
  • Assign an alda variable by using a method ending with 2 underlines, or pass a block for it. The following three are equivalent: { var__ c d e; piano_ var } { var { c d e }; piano_ var } { var__ { c d e }; piano_ var }

This one is slightly different but has the same effect: { var__ c, d, e; piano_ var }

The name of a variable can be same as that of a lisp function if there is no ambiguity.

  • The message of CommandLineError is optimized.
  • Added OrderError, which is used instead of RuntimeError, representing a disorder of events. do
  motif = f4 f e e d d c2
  g4 f e d c2
  p @events.size # => 2
  c4 c g g a a g2 motif
rescue OrderError => e
  p @events.size # => 1
  p e.expected   # => #<Alda::EventContainer:...>
  p        # => #<Alda::EventContainer:...>
  • The block passed to an EventList object is now called in Event#on_contained, so @parent, @container etc can be gotten inside.
  • EventList can access methods in @parent.
  • Canceled Alda::method_missing. Use meta-programming to define methods instead. You can now use include Alda to import such commands.
include Alda
version # => "Client version: 1.4.1\nServer version: [27713] 1.4.1\n"
  • Added Kernel#alda. It runs alda at command line and does not capture the output.
alda 'version'
  • Use Alda::[] to specify command options (not subcommand options):
Alda[quiet: true].play code: 'piano: c d e f' # => ""

The options specified will be remembered. Invoke Alda::clear_options to forget them.

  • Added CommandLineError#port.
  Alda[port: 1108].play code: 'y'
rescue CommandLineError => e
  e.port # => 1108
  • Added Score#save and Score#load to save and load Alda files. { c d e }.save 'temp.alda' 'temp.alda' #  => "[c d e]\n"