Repository for OncoKB, a precision oncology knowledge base.
The core of OncoKB Annotation service.
Please confirm your running environment is:
- Java version: 8
- MySQL version: 5.7.28
cp -r core/src/main/resources/properties-EXAMPLE core/src/main/resources/properties
- jdbc.driverClassName : We use mysql as database. Here, it will be com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
- jdbc.url: Database url
- jdbc.username & jdbc.password: MySQL user name and password
- google.p_twelve : Your P12 private key path (You can generate this file from google developer console, more detials in Wiki)
- google.service_account_email : Your service account email from google developer console.
- cancerhotspots.single : Cancer hotspots service. Default:
- oncotree.api: OncoTree service. Default:
- google.username & google.password(Optional) : Google account info. It is used to send email
- data.version & data.version_date(Optional) : These two properties will be attached to API call.
mvn clean install -P public -DskipTests=true
The WAR file is under /web/target/
Please choose one of the profile when building the war file
- curate - core + API + curation website
- public - core + API + public website (deprecated)
You could find specific instructions in curate or public repo,
The best way is to send an email to so all our team members can help.