This is a simplified implementation of the Ethereum blockchain. This project includes the implementation of several blockchain concepts like:
- Immutable & Distributed ledger
- Peer-to-peer system
- Digital signatures to sign and validate transactions
- Gas fees to prevent spamming the network with transactions
- Mining transactions
- Proof of work consensus algorithm
- Block syncing to update your local node with the latest blocks from other peers on the network
This mining process is highly simplified to only have a static block difficulty of 3 as opposed to the dynamic block difficulty used by the Ethereum blockchain that can change to make the mining that more or less time based on how fast blocks are added to the network. Therefore, the hash of the entire block content must start with 3 leading zeros to be valid and saved to the ledger.
A gas fee of 10 and static gas price of 1 is set for token transfers as opposed to the dynamic gas price system used by Ethereum based on the current network activity (i.e reducing the gas price when the activity is low and increasing it as the activity grows).
- Install Golang 1.20
- Clone repository
go build ./cmd/tbb
./tbb wallet new-account --data_dir=$HOME/.opbb
Enter a password:
Enter a password:
New account created: 0x7a398732b9E70950DD6FD25fB3058385Cfe4c116
Saved to: /path/to/keystore
Go to file database/genesis.go
and replace the genesis account 0x0418A658C5874D2Fe181145B685d2e73D761865D
variable genesisJson
with your newly created wallet account from the previous step then REBUILD the project
./tbb run --data_dir=<absolute_path_to_where_data_should_be_stored> --ip=<node_ip> --port=<node_port> --bootstrap_account=<created_wallet_address> --bootstrap_ip=<bootstrap_server_ip> --bootstrap_port=<bootstrap_server_port>
The Berries Blockchain CLI
tbb [flags]
tbb [command]
Available Commands:
balances Interact with balances (list...)
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
run Launches the berries blockchain node and its HTTP API.
wallet Manages blockchain accounts and keys.
-h, --help help for tbb
Use "tbb [command] --help" for more information about a command.
To fetched a list of all the accounts and their balances/txn/add
To send a txn to the node, Request body below:
"from": "0x0418A658C5874D2Fe181145B685d2e73D761865D",
"to": "0x486512fA9fbaF06568D13826afe7822842b9E685",
"password": "<wallet_account_password>",
"gas": 10,
"gasPrice": 1,
"value": 10
To get the details of a block using either it's height or hash./mempool/
To fetch a list of transactions in the mempool.
Run all tests with verbosity but one at a time, without timeout, to avoid ports collisions:
go test -v -p=1 -timeout=0 ./...
- Migrate node communication from HTTP API to gRPC