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For server owners

JesFot edited this page Mar 10, 2020 · 3 revisions

Relations to the game ?

Actually, UneiConfiguration has a built-in support for CraftBukkit/Spigot/Sponge/BungeeCord but it is not intended to be used directly by server owners.

Then why should anyone use it on a server ?

Server owners should add UneiConfiguration if any other plugin they want use it. Some plugin depends on it and therefore may not work if UneiConfiguration is not provided as a plugin. Otherwise, it will only add one name on the list of the plugins on the server and won't do anything.

Commands? Permissions?

In fact, UneiConfiguration is an API, or Application Programming Interface.

If you are not familiar with programming, this means that the plugin itself "doesn't do anything".

More precisely, it doesn't add any command or behavior to the game, thus doesn't have any permission.

Though, other developers are able to download this plugin and use it as an API in their own plugins.

If you install any plugin that uses UneiConfiguration, you will have to install this too on your server for the plugin to work properly.