Battle City Tank Online is a multiplayer online game, inspired by the 1985 game Battle City. The player controls a tank in a map with destructible blocks and must destroy other players tanks in order to earn point.
- Login page where the player have to insert a nickname
- Matches with up to 4 players simultaneously
- Real-time updated ranking of the current match near the game canvas
- Rematch button after the end of the match (only if there are all the 4 starting players)
Battle City Tank Online uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- node.js
- Express
- jQuery
- Twitter Bootstrap
- p5.js
- p5.sound.js
Battle City Tank Online requires Node.js v8.9+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
$ cd Battle-City-Online-Folder
$ npm install -d
$ node server.js
- Nicola Tuccari @gitHub: NicolaTuccari, Email: