Unique network wallet application
Start project locally
Starts project on http://localhost:3000 into development mode.
For production build
Docker build
docker build -t unique-marketplace:prod .
docker run -p 8080:80 -t unique-marketplace:prod
apps - application enter point
apps-config - settings including envConfig, api endpoints and others network things.
apps-routing - router, if you want to add a new page describe it here.
page-accounts - create, import, and store non-extension accounts, transfer assets.
page-nft-wallet - wallet, show and manage your tokens.
react-api - the polkadot api connection context.
react-components - reusable components for pages.
react-hooks - reusable hooks.
react-params - components settings.
react-query - transactions query.
react-signer - transactions signer.
test-support - tests and mocks.