unisens4matlab is a Matlab toolbox for the Unisens data format. It makes use of the unisens4java library.
Unisens is a universal data format for multi sensor data. It was developed at the FZI Research Center for Information Technology and the Institute for Information Processing Technology (ITIV) at the University of Karlsruhe. The motivation for specifying a new data format was the need for a universal, generic and sustainable format for storing and archiving sensor data from various recording systems. Other main requirements were a human readable header and the use of future-proof standards.
For more information please check the Unisens website.
path = 'C:\data\2014-06-20 14.01.19'; % Sample data path, where the unisens.xml file is located
jUnisensFactory = org.unisens.UnisensFactoryBuilder.createFactory();
jUnisens = jUnisensFactory.createUnisens(path);
% Read a binary file
accEntry = jUnisens.getEntry('acc.bin');
accData = accEntry.readScaled(accEntry.getCount()); % In accData will be the values of acc.bin
% Read a values list
hrvEntry = jUnisens.getEntry('HrvRmssd.csv');
hrvValueList = hrvEntry.readValuesList(hrvEntry.getCount());
hrvTimeStamps = hrvValueList.getSamplestamps();
hrvData = hrvValueList.getData();
If Unisens meets your requirements, feel free to try it. unisens4matlab is licenced under the LGPL and it may be downloaded in the download section.