Svelte project code for an Urban Institute data tool.
Tool description: Explore how to get buprenorphine and methadone to more Michigan and New Jersey residents with opioid use disorder.
Research: Lisa Clemans-Cope, Doug Wissoker, Maya Payton, and Nikhil Rao
Design: Christina Baird
Development: Julia Janicki
Editing: Lauren Lastowka
Writing: Rachel Kenney
To run this project locally you'll need the following installed on your local computer:
Once you have Node and NPM setup, open up the project directory in a terminal and install the project dependencies by running:
npm install
You should now be ready to start developing! Start a local server with:
npm run dev
Open your browser and visit http://localhost:5173 to see your project running.
If you need to preview a production build locally, you can build your project with:
npm run build
This will generate a production-ready build of your project in the dist
You can view the build you just created by running:
npm run preview
and opening your browser to: http://localhost:4173
County map files are generated with a script included in the project's Makefile. Running the following command will create the county-level topojson files needed for the project:
make src/assets/data/counties_topo.json