This is our Final Project for our Big Data Class in Second Semister in Lambton College. In this project we learn about Nural Network and see how the change in the Number of Nurons and learning rate effects rate of learning. We note the time taken for reaching a Treshold value while the execution of the Program.
This base program is taken from the user karpathy and the Program - After that made modifications nescesary for the requirements
- 3 Virtual Machines in Linode
- OS: Ubuntu OS(Linux)
- CPU: 4 Core
- RAM: 7.76 GB
- Python3
- My Python PIP(PIP List)
- Install the Python Packages needed for the program with following commands
foo@bar:~$ pip install -r pip_requirements
- Run the code with the following command
foo@bar:~$ python3 > Test1Output.txt
Contributors names and contact info
Linkedin: usnik-biswas
Inspiration, code snippets, etc.