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This repository is created as part of Neural Networks and Deep Learning course at my college. This repo contains the implementations of Neural Network and Deep Learning algorithms.

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Neural Networks and Deep Learning

This repository is created as part of Neural Networks and Deep Learning course at my college. This repo contains the implementations of Neural Network and Deep Learning algorithms.

Lab Algorithms/Model
Lab 1 McCulloch-Pitts Model, Rosenblatt's Perceptron Model, Widrow's Adaline Model
Lab 2 Hebbian Learning Law and Correlation Learning Law
Lab 3 Perceptron Learning Law
Lab 4 Auto Associative Networks
Lab 5 Hetero Associative Networks
Lab 6 Multi Layer Feedforward Networks
Lab 7 Convolutional Neural Networks
Lab 8 CNNs Using TensorFlow
Lab 9 Autoencoders
Lab 10 Regularization in Autoencoders