Added font weight change for degrees in labels.
Added standard_names to names for searching in cf.
Added to quickly display a netcdf variable.
Added support for min+max+hist and restart to StatAccum.
Added support for exact and block kriging to OCK.
Added sill and range to linear variogram model in kriging.
Added constraints to variogram model fit.
Added color.discretize_cmap.
Added Plot.add_water_mark.
Added units.basic_proj.
Added systematic cleaning to cache_map().
Added [vacumm.misc.grid.basemap]max_cache_size config option.
Added cellerr method to regrid1d.
Added time arguments support if applicable to Plot.add_point().
Added dstwgt method for fortran interpolators from gridded to random points.
Added tuple support for time creation routines of atime.
New regrid2d with tool and method keywords.
Fixed range in hlitvs.
Fixed mixed_layer_depth with kz.
Fixed: default params in get_proj.
Fixed names of module attributes which are now upper case.
Fixed: list_forecast_files, Plot.add_lon/lat, interp .linept, Plot2D.fill.
Fixed: ConfigManager.opt_parse.
Removed sphinxfortran extension which is now a standalone vacumm project.
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