This project revolves around the establishment of an experimental high-performance computing cluster at VCU's high-performance research computing facility. The cluster is constructed following the OpenHPC organization's guidlines, using a number of technologies, notably Rocky Linux 9, Slurm, Warewulf, Spack, and Open OnDemand.
Folder | Description |
Documentation | All documentation for the architecture, design, installation and configuration of the project |
Notes and Research | Relavent information useful to understand the tools and techniques used in the project |
Status Reports | Project management documentation - weekly reports, milestones, etc. |
src | Source code - Source code and configuration files |
- Alberto Cano - Department of Computer Science - Faculty Advisor Mentor Technical Advisor
- Carlisle Childress - Department of Computer Science - Faculty Technical Advisor
- Romano Woodfolk - Department of Computer Science - Faculty Technical Advisor
- Yunus Bidav - Computer Science & Mathematics - Student Team Member
- Steven Holcombe - Computer Science - Student Team Member
- James Jenkins - Computer Science - Student Team Member
- Amaka Odidika - Computer Science - Student Team Member