This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 1, 2021. It is now read-only.
1.8.0 (2020-10-31)
- components: add BaseCard component (bbc8807)
- components: update StyleCard and StyleCardSkeleton (2eb0ed0)
- Components: add skeleton loader component for StyleCard (10f4321)
- recaptcha: use rate-limiter instead of recaptcha (075ddbe)
- style card: change skeleton animation (1270691)
- style info: add button to delete the style (11e1bb6)
Bug Fixes
- helmet: remove google recaptcha from csp (6d2e37d)
- style grid: set skeleton cards amount depending on the current page (27f33d8)
- style info: handle submit via form (8b6780a)
- styles api: fix url parameters in update and delete requests (959570c)
- vue config: add login and logout urls to devServer proxy (d9e7a16)
- vue-loader: preserve whitespace (61566f1)