This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 1, 2021. It is now read-only.
Releases: VChet/StyleBase
Releases · VChet/StyleBase
2.2.1 (2020-11-30)
2.2.0 (2020-11-27)
2.1.0 (2020-11-22)
- alert: add alert snackbar (6dfb1ce)
- authorization: allow organization members to edit styles (2e8afb0)
- confirmation: add confirmation dialog component (ae03ddc)
- style info: add Twitter share button (5640879)
- style info: ask for confirmation before deleting a style (762e4ff)
- user: store user organizations (b96a624)
Bug Fixes
2.0.1 (2020-11-17)
2.0.0 (2020-11-14)
- endpoint for styles by specific owner is changed from 'api/owner/:owner' to 'api/styles/:owner'
- endpoint for styles filtered by query is removed ('api/search/'). Now use 'api/styles/' with the 'query' GET parameter
- parser: support '.user.styl' files (f7dd9aa)
- styles: add sorting for styles filtered by query and by owner (df46ecc)
- vuex: add vuex, styles and user states, mutations, actions (a036be5)
Bug Fixes
- no script: add styles for no-script block (9b05746)
- search: change debounce behavior (a7c1fc0)
- search: clear timeout on reset (fd408c3)
- sort order: disable sort buttons on loading (5651789)
- sort order: hide sort order if only one style found (4733f24)
- styles api: add lean parameter (6713392)
- styles api: allow empty custom name and custom preview fields (e154638)
- styles api: check custom preview file extension (a197043)
- vuex: close modal window only if opened (0033769)
- vuex: set search query even if it's empty (8b32947)
1.8.0 (2020-10-31)
- components: add BaseCard component (bbc8807)
- components: update StyleCard and StyleCardSkeleton (2eb0ed0)
- Components: add skeleton loader component for StyleCard (10f4321)
- recaptcha: use rate-limiter instead of recaptcha (075ddbe)
- style card: change skeleton animation (1270691)
- style info: add button to delete the style (11e1bb6)
Bug Fixes
- helmet: remove google recaptcha from csp (6d2e37d)
- style grid: set skeleton cards amount depending on the current page (27f33d8)
- style info: handle submit via form (8b6780a)
- styles api: fix url parameters in update and delete requests (959570c)
- vue config: add login and logout urls to devServer proxy (d9e7a16)
- vue-loader: preserve whitespace (61566f1)
1.7.0 (2020-10-17)
1.6.0 (2020-10-15)
1.5.0 (2020-10-13)
- login: add login button and user session check (cf17bc6)
- Style: add 'edit style' request and custom fields (fe3b347)
- style card: use manually added title and preview (b49ad47)
- style info: add "edit style" block (a95cc8d)
Bug Fixes
- add style: move disabled state from exit button to submit button (9af0285)
- analytics: set correct page path (a075166)
- authentication: change scope from email to profile data (63b170d)
- buttons: set width and height globally, add mobile styles (4b31241)
- edit style: add custom preview protocol check (9b9d46f)
- edit style: allow owner to edit the style (2bd833e)
- edit style: clear cache on style edit and delete (599891e)
- edit style: update only customName and customPreview fields (944c6e9)
- helmet: allow images from any secure source (1fa889b)
- update style: use url instead of _id to update style (be1cc0f)