0.1 - Isolate Sunlight from 3DUSE
- Create pipeline and roadmap.
- Create Installation guide.
- Create documentation to create 3DUSE bounding box files.
- Extract minimal code from 3DUSE plugin in another reposity.
- Remove Qt library and boost dependency.
- Replace home made log system by an external library (spdlog).
- Produce a new CMake with only Sunlight dependancies (and not 3DUSE).
- Add error message on missing bounding box files.
- Add warning message on missing sun position datas.
- Replace raw pointers by std::smart_pointers to avoid memory leak.
- Change C++ version to C++ 20, because we are using advanced features (optional, filesystem...).
Full Changelog: https://github.com/VCityTeam/Sunlight/commits/0.1