This repository is a "monorepo" containing various projects relating to and supporting the VEuPathDB MultiBlast service stack.
For development details and information see the Developer Info doc and/or the Design doc
An index of available API documentation can be found at
- BLAST+ Query Service
A containerized service whose purpose is the asynchronous execution of BLAST queries against mounted databases.
- BLAST+ Result Formatting Service
A containerized services whose purpose is the asynchronous formatting of ASN.1 BLAST query results into various other formats via the BLAST+
tool. - MultiBlast Queue Database
Docker image containing setup scripts to provision the database schemata necessary to support the MultiBlast query and report services.
- BLAST+ Query Parsing Tools
Multi-sequence BLAST query parsing tool kit.
- BLAST+ CLI API Wrapper Type Library
NCBI BLAST+ tool CLI API wrapper.
Allows easy programmatic construction and validation of CLI calls to BLAST+ tools.
- MultiBlast API SDK
JVM SDK for working with the MultiBlast API.
- MultiBlast Common Utilities
Various utilities common to the other services and libraries in this repo.
- Temp File Management Utilities
Expiring temporary file factory.
- MultiBlast Gradle Plugin
A Gradle extension that adds utilities to support the MultiBlast project build tasks.
- MultiBlast Docker Compose Stack
Docker Compose stack configuration for MultiBlast.
- User Database DDL
DDL for the database schema and tables backing MultiBlast in the VEuPathDB user database.
- v2.0 Migration Script
Script to migrate the backing user database from
data tov2.x
- End-to-End Tests
Test script that performs end-to-end testing on a running MultiBlast instance.