This repository created for the CODELAB and UNIMI members aims to give the necessary resources to learn the basics concepts of blockchains and also get into understanding the newly and advanced topics the industry is developing into, one particular focus is Algorand, it's design and tooling.
- Fork the repository.
- Highlight the content you went over by crossing the lines in the respective tables.
- Create a Markdown file ( in each directory and answer the questions in
- Open a PR request once you have completed each chapter.
This Repository is meant to be expanded and updated over time to improve its content, for the students that have forked the repository for their assignements here are the commands to follow to update their fork:
- Add upstream remote (only once):
git remote add upstream
- Fetch the changes from the upstream repository
git fetch upstream
- Checkout your local main branch
git checkout main
- Merge the changes from the upstream main branch
git merge upstream/main
- Push the updated main branch to your fork
git push origin main