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modfire modfire
a.k.a. Modern Fast Image REtrieval

Python PyTorch Github stars Github forks Github license Python PyTorch Github stars Github forks Github license

ModFire is a training, testing, deploying toolkit for modern fast image retrieval.


Evaluating performance of a hashing / quantization based retrieval model is tricky. You may meet various evaluation protocols (3 kinds of CIFAR-10, 2 kinds of NUS-WIDE, the randomness in splits also matters a lot), you may handle different backbones (what should I use? AlexNet, VGG, ResNet?), you may even fight with some legacy codes (lots of troubles with Caffe, MXNet, TensorFlow). These just mess things up.

A comprehensive benchmark is needed for all methods --- with the latest deep learning tricks. Therefore, this repo issues the whole pipeline for it, with the extensible and customizable training and evaluation configs.

Quick Start


  • Hardware
    • A CUDA-enabled GPU (≥ 16GiB VRAM)
    • ≥ 32GiB RAM
  • OS
    • All features are tested on Ubuntu 20.04, other platforms should also work. If not, please file bugs.
  • Software
    • A conda environment is highly recommended.
    • Python should be < 3.9 due to package dependencies. The following packages would be installed if missed, but it's still recommended to install them manually to choose your preferred version.
    • PyTorch >= 11.3 with torchdata, torchvision.
    • faiss-cpu >= 1.7

To use ModFire, a direct way is to use the PyPI package:

pip install modfire
modfire -v

That will prints:

                      _  __ _
  _ __ ___   ___   __| |/ _(_)_ __ ___
 | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ / _` | |_| | '__/ _ \
 | | | | | | (_) | (_| |  _| | | |  __/
 |_| |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|_| |_|_|  \___|




Common retrieval datasets are included in the repo.

modfire dataset
Available datasets are:
      CIFAR10     : modfire.dataset.easy.cifar.CIFAR10
      CIFAR100    : modfire.dataset.easy.cifar.CIFAR100
      COCO        : modfire.dataset.easy.coco.COCO
      ImageNet100 : modfire.dataset.easy.imagenet100.ImageNet100
      MIRFlickr25k: modfire.dataset.easy.mirflickr25k.MIRFlickr25k
      NUS_WIDE    : modfire.dataset.easy.nuswide.NUS_WIDE

You could download them by just a command.

modfire dataset --root [TARGET_DIR] [DATASET_NAME]


modfire train [CONFIG_PATH]

Contribute to this Repository

Just like other git repos, before raising issues or pull requests, please take a thorough look at issue templates.

To-do List

  • Benchmarking site

References and License





  • [Don Perry]


Third-party repos:

Repos License
PyTorch BSD-style
Torchvision BSD-3-Clause
Apex BSD-3-Clause
Tensorboard Apache-2.0
Kornia Apache-2.0
rich MIT
python-lmdb OpenLDAP Version 2.8
marshmallow MIT
click BSD-3-Clause
vlutils Apache-2.0
MessagePack Apache-2.0
marshmallow-jsonschema MIT
json-schema-for-humans Apache-2.0
CyclicLR MIT
Streamlit Apache-2.0
conda BSD 3-Clause

This repo is licensed under

The Apache Software Foundation The Apache Software Foundation

Apache License
Version 2.0