powered by VLK Studio
Simply run this command in the same location where strapi is installed:
npm i strapi-provider-email-vlkmailer
... and then restart strapi!
strapi develop
Navigate to PLUGINS --> EMAIL and go to the configurations by clicking the gear (⚙).
Select VlkMailer as your default email provider, now you only have to fill in the form with your email configurations (like host, username, password, etc..)!
That's all folks!
You can set this configuration directly from the Strapi Administration Panel
- nodemailer_default_from: The default sender address
- nodemailer_default_replyto: The default reply to address
- host: The address of the SMTP server
- port: The port used for the connections
- username: Your username
- password: Your password
- maxConnections: is the count of maximum simultaneous connections to make against the SMTP server (defaults to 10)
- maxMessages: limits the message count to be sent using a single connection (defaults to 100). After maxMessages is reached the connection is dropped and a new one is created for the following messages
- rateDelta: defines the time measuring period in milliseconds (defaults to 1000, ie. to 1 second) for rate limiting
- pool: Enable pooled connection
You can set this options in your code for each email you want to send!
- to: The receiver email address
- from: The sender email address
- replyTo: The email address where user's can text you back!
- subject: The subject of the email
- text: The text of the email (no HTML here!)
- html: The HTML version of the email
- attachments: The attachments to your email
Maybe you want to send an email when a new member of your website has complete the registration process, to do this just go to your model (/api/member/models/Member.js)
Then edit the afterCreate method like this:
// After creating a value.
// Fired after an `insert` query.
afterCreate: async (model, attrs, options) => {
const member = model.attributes;
return await strapi.plugins['email'].services.email.send({
to: member.email,
from: 'info@youremail.com',
replyTo: 'info@youremail.com',
subject: 'Welcome!',
text: `Welcome to our website, ${member.name}`,
html: '... the html of your email!'