ELViM is a method for visualizing the energy landscapes of biomolecules simulations.
We recommend the Conda package when installing the required libraries.
MDTraj is a python library that allows users to manipulate molecular dynamics trajectories. To install MDTraj using conda, execute the following command:
conda install -c conda-forge mdtraj
Numba is an open source JIT compiler that translates a subset of Python and NumPy code into fast machine code. To install Numba using conda, execute the following command:
conda install numba
NumPy is a library that allows operations with multidimensional array objects. To install NumPy using conda, execute the following command:
conda install numpy
The ELViM code runs with flags to control all possible parameters. To see the options, use: python ELViM.py -h
To run an standard ELViM projection one only needs the ELVIM.py and the force_scheme.py available here, as well as the desired trajectory file.
python ELViM.py -f trajectory.pdb -o output.dat
Alternatively, for a xtc file you do required a topology file.
python ELViM.py -f trajectory.xtc -t topology.pdb -o output.dat
A notebook illustrating basic visualizations analisys is available in Colab
Please cite the following papers when using ELViM:
- Oliveira Jr, A. B., Yang, H., Whitford, P. C., & Leite, V. B. (2019). Distinguishing biomolecular pathways and metastable states. Journal of chemical theory and computation, 15(11), 6482-6490.
- Rafael Giordano Viegas, Ingrid B. S. Martins, Murilo Nogueira Sanches, Antonio B. Oliveira Junior, Juliana B. de Camargo, Fernando V. Paulovich, and Vitor B. P. Leite Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.4c00034