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Track information

Petteri Kautonen edited this page Aug 20, 2022 · 2 revisions

Track information dialog

In the track information dialog the track file tag data can be viewed and changed. The file tag data can be changed in the first tab page (File data (tag)). Nothing is changed unless the save button is explicitly pressed. The save button is only visible when something has been changed within the dialog. Closing the dialog will reject all the changes made if the data is not saved before.

In the File data (amp#) tab the the track can also be assigned an alternative image by clicking the image box on the right. Changing the image will not affect the actual file.

The save button The save button saves the active tab page changes. The File data (tag) affects directly to the audio file as the File data (amp#) affects only the internal database.


The copy buttons (arrows) The left hook arrow copies the file tag data into the File data (amp#) tab, activates the tab and enables the save button for user to save the changes. The right hook arrow copies the amp# file data into the File data (tag), activates the tab tab and enables the save button for user to save the changes.

image image

The dialog displaying the file tag data


The dialog displaying the amp# tag data


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