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Developer setup

Nathanaël Houn edited this page Mar 25, 2022 · 40 revisions


Git hooks

We use some githooks to automate some tasks: format & lint code, update API documentation. Install them in your local repository by running ./githooks/ (you can remove the created symlinks created in .git/hooks/ in your local repository if they annoy you). This requires to have the API docs repository cloned next to the main repository.

[... other files]

Get started with docker compose (recommended)

Docker allows to quickly setup a database and a fake ldap server used for authentication in the app. After installing the requirements, simply run ./ start in your cloned repository and follow the instructions.

This need to have the mariadb (3306) and ldap (636) ports available on your machines, or you can override them in both dev.env and docker-compose.override.yml.

You can list the different commands provided by the script by running ./ help.

Dev environment using plain MariaDB, NodeJS and npm

Click to see instructions

This setup require to install all the dependencies on your machine and will likely be longer.

Install dependencies

With the above requirements, you have to install mariadb and an ldap server on your machine. This is not the recommended path, so please figure out yourself how to do this, and then come to update this documentation.

Create the database

# Create the apothiquiz user
CREATE USER 'apothiquizUser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'apothiquizPassword';

# Create the database
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON apothiquizDb.* TO 'apothiquizUser'@'localhost';

-- Create the database for tests
CREATE DATABASE apothiquizTestDb;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON apothiquizTestDb.* TO 'apothiquizUser'@'localhost';

Insert test data in the database with the scripts in ./server/test/required_data/*.sql. Note that the database is emptyied after each test (it's why we use a different database for them).

Install Node.js dependencies

Run npm install (or npm i) in both server/ and client/ directories to install all dependencies with npm.

Set the .env

The .env is a file containing all the environment variables required to run the server, specific to your environment. It must be in the server/ directory.

You can use the main .env.example as a starting point.

Run development server

You can use nodemon to auto-reload the server on changes. For the client, use npm run start to start the Create-React-App script, which is watching the changes by default


Use npm run test:generate-data <number-of-users> <number-of-duels> in the server folder to generate fake data in your dev database. It take approximately 10 minutes for 300 users and 3000 rounds (the default settings).