A simple GLFW3 GLFWwindow wrapper abstraction.
VWindow encapsulates GLFWwindow's instance in a class Window. All GLFW's functions are easily accessible with it's instance making the programm less verbose and easier to write. The main window events are also available and working with delegates.
scope(exit) glfwTerminate();
// creates a default window
// width: 1280
// height: 720
// title: "Valhala"
auto win = new Window();
// events are easy to set
win.cursorPosCallback = (Window, double x, double y) => writefln!"Cursor moved at %s,%s"(x,y);
win.posCallback = (Window,int,int) {};
// to remove an event
win.posCallback = null;
win.swapInterval = 1;
// main loop
while (!win.shouldClose)
scope(exit) glfwTerminate();
// creates a windowed window and doesn't make it's context current
auto win = new Window(ivec(1280,720), "title", No.fullscreen, No.makeCurrent)
win.swapInterval = 1;
// main loop
while (!win.shouldClose)
Licensed under: MIT
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