When you want to move your bookmarks into dynalist (if you don't use chrome, just import them into chrome/chromium through settings)
- python https://www.python.org/downloads/
- script libraries
pip install beautifulsoup4 lxml
Note: lxml was used since it provided better performance (and possibly cross-compatibility)
For successful conversion you have to prepare two variables, i.e. all following
tl;dr: stip chrome HTML headers/footers and take a header from your dynalist backup (any will do))
This script works by using the bookmarks data itself. Thus it doesn't need the xml around it.
- remove header At the time of writing in my environment it looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>
<!-- This is an automatically generated file.
It will be read and overwritten.
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
- look how it's here by default and make yours inline as well (one line, prefferably without larger spaces) In notepad++ (which can do it easily) you
- (if you just copied) ensure tags are there (what you paste from your source dynalist file should end with )
is already the bookmarks data so don't delete it unless you know/see what you have to do not to break it.
Note: You may as well replace the information (FirstName, you@example (email)) manually but I don't have feedback if it's okay if non-registered user info was used.
- CTRL+J (Join lines)
- CTRL+F > Replace > (tick) Regex > ("search for") **\s{2,}** > ("replace with" nothing) >
All that's needed is to run the script with py or python3
python html2opml_dyna.py
It will generate output_dyna.opml
that you choose when creating a new file in dynalist
add part gh readme
If an problem arises, create a new issue The script is ready for use (and should be compatible with most previous versions of chrome)
If the file is created but the content (converted bookmarks) are missing, the copied HTML (chrome bookmarks backup) was likely not cleaned enough/logically (and is causing the problem) use linter (or VS Code with related extensions if you can't figure out where is the problem)