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// Hello my Name is Valerie Elizabeth Guerra, I am a web developer in Austin Texas and this is a portfolio website I created to showcase my accomplishments skills and talents to employers. I hope you enjoy!

Portfolio Website - Full Stack This repository contains the code for my personal portfolio website, showcasing my projects and skills as a full-stack developer.

Table of Contents Introduction Demo Technologies Used Features Installation Usage Project Structure Deployment Contributing This portfolio website is a showcase of my work, skills, and experience as a full-stack developer. It provides an overview of the projects I have worked on, my areas of expertise, and ways to contact me for collaboration or hiring opportunities.

Demo git clone

Link: A live demo of the portfolio website can be found at: Technologies Used The portfolio website is built using the following technologies:


HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6+) Frontend framework for building interactive user interfaces Bootstrap: CSS framework for responsive web design, HTTP client for making API requests Backend:

Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment for server-side development Express.js: Web application framework for building RESTful APIs database for storing project data and user information Deployment:

Heroku: Platform as a Service (PaaS) for hosting the website Features Home: An introduction to myself and a brief overview of my skills and experience. Projects: A showcase of my latest and notable projects with descriptions and links to their respective GitHub repositories or live demos. Skills: An overview of the programming languages, frameworks, and technologies I am proficient in. Contact: A contact form where users can reach out to me for collaboration or job opportunities.

I first started with the basic building blocks of HTML and added a home, about me link, and my name using a nav bar. Then I created twelve more folders using a grid layout to connect a link for each of my portfolio topics. I then created a CSS folder to develope some styling and functions to HTML. Then towards the end of finishing I used javascript to connect files and functions with CSS and HTML.

Thank you for visiting My Portfolio Webpage!



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