Project content, how it works get source cod link:
- Create a new feature like LoginDemo.feature by writing all steps in Cucumber with Given, And, When, Then
- right click on [page and click: Run feature...
- get the code structure from the console (or copy all steps from feature file (ex: Given Browser is then opened )
- create a new directory StepsDefinitions
- paste all steps in the directory StepsDefinitions
- change step structure as per: @Given("Browser is then opened")
- import;
- create a function for each step as per example: public void browser_is_then_opened() {} , name does not have to match the step
- create a new directory pages,
- creat class page with all the methods used on the page
- instantiate methods from page class in the Step definitions page (POM)
- creat a test runner, from where the execution and reports will be configured in runner class , right click and run
- cheack report in target/Cucumber/HtmlReports
- open report in Chrome, firefox
made by Vasi-Cordea