notes about exporting, using dictionaries, etc
Install aspell using brew
$ brew install aspell --with-lang-en --with-lang-el --with-lang-de
for English, Hellenic and Deutsch languages.
if you have problems installing aspell with the above code
just do only:
$ brew install aspell
Install aspell using downloaded packages aspell-
go to terminal and type:
$ cd ~/aspell path
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
To install additional dictionary download the language you prefer from GNU_Available Aspell Dictionaries
i.e aspell-el-0.50-3
for Hellenic language (Greek)
and go to terminal and type:
$ cd ~/dictionary path
$ ./configure
$ make
$ install
Switch dictionary
To switch between dictionaries run:
M-x: ispell-change-dictionary
and write greek for Hellenic language auto-correct
Press F6 (fn-F6) to switch between dictionaries (british, greek, german)
If you want to use the english dictionary in a particular buffer instead, put the following on the first line of the buffer:
-*- ispell-dictionary: "english" -*-
Put latex.el in your postload
Add these to your org file.
LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{minted}
latex_compiler: xelatex
LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{libertine}
Latex_Header: \usepackage[none]{hyphenat}
Latex_Header: \usepackage[british, greek]{babel}
Use bibtex package for citation.
First put the bellow code in your ./emacs
;; Bibtex-latex export citation
(setq org-latex-pdf-process
'("latexmk -pdflatex='pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode' -pdf -bibtex -f %f"))
Your next step is to create a .bib file with your citations and name it. i.e: test-bib-refs
@InProceedings{ alejandro_weinstein-proc-scipy-2016,
author = { {A}lejandro {W}einstein and {W}ael {E}l-{D}eredy and {S}téren {C}habert and {M}yriam {F}uentes },
title = { {F}itting {H}uman {D}ecision {M}aking {M}odels using {P}ython },
booktitle = { {P}roceedings of the 15th {P}ython in {S}cience {C}onference },
pages = { 1 - 6 },
year = { 2016 },
editor = { {S}ebastian {B}enthall and {S}cott {R}ostrup }
and then use these latex commands inside your org file
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage[natbib]{biblatex}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \bibliographystyle{plain}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \bibliography{test-bib-refs}
- This is test1 \cite{alejandro_weinstein-proc-scipy-2016}.
- This is test2 \cite{2011ApJS..192....9T}.
* \printbibliography
put \printbibliography
at the end so as to print the references section last on your text.