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zerealone edited this page Feb 26, 2023 · 4 revisions

Terminal Plugin Manager

Terminal's plugins and extensions manager.

List of approved plugins

A list of top-level approved plugins can be found here.

What is a plugin?

A plugin is an add-on to the terminal that allows you to add a command/style/script.

How to add a plugin?

Using the command:

tpm install [URL]

[URL] - Plugin URL to install.


--save - To save the plug-ins in the browser storage for automatic download at each login. (Also saved in the account if connected.)


Each plug-in is required to own a security certificate which confirms that the plug-in has been tested and approved, a plug-in without a security certificate can be installed but will require additional consent. Plugin that has a fake security certificate will not be installed.

Plugin content

  • Script - Commands
In addition, there is content according to security levels


A basic level of security is obtained for each approved plugin.

  • Style - Added css file.


Medium security.

  • HTML - Adds additional HTML code to the page.


Highest level of security.

  • JavaScript - Adds another file with js.