Easy to use Natural Language Processing API powered by spaCy.
Access powerful features like Sentence Segmentation & Lemmatization
via a simple HTTP GET
Options allow to select the type of tool to process the input text. Keywords used follow the same as spaCy, this is done to reduce the learning curve, espcially for those who're already familiar with spaCy.
Name | Description | Input | Output | Status |
token | Token texts | This is a text. | [ 'This ' , ' is' , 'a ' , 'text' ] | RUN |
ents | text and label of named entity span | Larry Page founded Google | [ ( ' Larry Page' , 'PERSON' ), ( 'Google' , 'ORG' )] | RUN |
pos_ | coarse-grained part-of-speech tags | This is a text. | [ 'DET' , 'VERB' , 'DET' , 'NOUN' , 'PUNCT' ] | RUN |
tag_ | fine-groined port-of-speech tags | This is a text. | [ ' DT' , 'VBZ ' , ' DT' , ' NN ' , ' . ' ] | RUN |
sents | yields sentence spans | This a sentence. This is another one. | [ 'This is a sentence. ' , 'This is another one. ' l | RUN |
noun_chunks | base noun phrases | I have a red car | [ 'I' , 'a red car' ] | RUN |
dep_ | dependency labels | This is a text. | [ 'nsubj' , 'ROOT' , 'det' , 'attr" , 'pun ct' ] | RUN |
more... | coming soon | This is a text. | .... | RUN |
- Use NLP in projects regarless of platform or device.
- Reduce learning curve faced by newcomers.
Currently the BETA public access domain address is https://vedastroapilinux.azurewebsites.net/api
This is only temporary, idealy the URL should be nice & short with an easy to remember domain name.
If you have an unused domain name or are willing to sponsor a domain for a year, please let us know.
Currently we support only English (eng), but feel free to sugest a language in issues. If there is enough support, we will implement as many languages as possible or allow you to choose from a list of language models.
Currently running on Microsoft server farms with well proven reliability. In the future redundancy in other locals and providers.
This API is free & open for public use, as it facilitates ease for newcomers and professionals alike. Unfortunately servers cost money to run, though not as much as most companies charge. So all we ask is, if this service helped you earn some dough please consider sending some this way to pay the bills & maintain the code. Your every contribution helps.
- Donate to keep this project going
- Contact reach us via email at contact@vedastro.org
- Share your ideas for new or better features
- Fix bugs & implement features