Project description:
This is a small Windows Form desktop application built with .NET 8.0 framework. My goal was to build a sustainable and fully functional application, where the main focus is on implementing basic CRUD functionallities.
For communicating with the database, I used a NuGet package called SQL.ES6 and for the managment of the same, I used an app called "DB browser for SQLite".
Intro screen: The starting dialog itself is very simple, as it's main purpose is to start the program.
Main view: The datagrid allows users to view and manage information about classrooms. Users can add new classrooms, edit existing ones, and print a list of all classrooms.
Class Schedule:
This section of the module provides a granular view of the classes being held in a specific classroom. It allows users to:
View the Current Schedule: Once a classroom is selected, the system displays a clear and organized timetable outlining all classes scheduled for that particular room. Add New Classes: Users can input details about new classes, such as the subject, day, and time, to add them to the existing schedule. This ensures that no conflicts arise and that the classroom is utilized efficiently. Remove Existing Classes: If there are changes to the schedule, users can easily delete classes that are no longer being held in that room.
Attendence: The interface is designed for simple and efficient tracking of student attendance at lectures in a specific classroom,with the added benefit of allowing users to export attendance data to Excel for further analysis and reporting.
All of the functionallities such as:
Manage classrooms, schedules, and attendance records, create, edit, and delete classrooms, schedules, and attendance entries.
implement error signaling as well as user information and guidance.