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Manual accountsettings

patbeirne edited this page Jul 6, 2011 · 9 revisions

K-9 Account Settings

This part of the K-9 Manual is incomplete. It will cover the various sections of the Account Settings panel.

Many of the settings in K-9 Mail can be customized for each account, and are therefore located under Account Settings. To open them:

  • If you're in the Accounts List view, long-tap the account you want to configure, then select Account Settings.
  • If you're in a folder list or message list, select Menu, More, Settings, then Account Settings to get to the settings for the current account.

General Settings


Fetching mail

Sending mail

Composition defaults

Manage identities

Message Format

Reply quoting style

Defines your preference for the format in which the quoted text of the message you are replying to will appear from the following options:

  • Prefix (like Gmail, Pine) - The quoted text appears below a one line header in the format "Sender's Name <'user@domain.TLD'> wrote:".

    With the prefix option selected 2 additional options will be available:

    ** Reply after quoted text - When checked, the original message will appear above the reply you type into the message text box.

    ** Quoted text prefix - Defines the character(s) that will precede each line of quoted text. The default is '>'.

  • Header (like Outlook, Yahoo!, and Hotmail) - The quoted text appears below a header that includes the Original Sender, Recipients, Time, and Subject from the original email's message header fields.

Outgoing server


Fetching mail

###Local folder size Set a limit on how many messages will be pulled into a folder. [What happens when we go over that limit?] ###Sync messages from Control how far back in time K9 will search for messages: today up to a year ago ###Fetch messages up to Set a limit on how many kBytes are downloaded for each message ###Folder poll frequency Control the poll frequency from never up to 24 hours. ###Poll folders Control whether to poll all, 1st class, 2nd class or no folders. ###Push folders Control whether to push all, 1st class, 2nd class or no folders. ###Sync server deletions If a message is deleted on the server (by some other client), then you can ask for the local copy in your K9 to be deleted as well. ###When I delete a message You can control whether you mark the message on the server for deletion, or mark it "as read", or do nothing. ###Expunge deleted messages Normally, messages on the server are simply marked for deletion. Here you can control when they are actually deleted. ###Download headers Check this if you want the entire email header brought down into your Android.

Incoming server

Update your incoming mail server configuration here. This is probably already set if you used the account wizard to create the account; the same form can be filled out again here. ###Advanced

  • Poll when connecting for push
  • Max folders to check with push
  • Refresh IDLE connection the time between, in minutes


Introduced in version ???, the Storage location option lets you choose whether to store email for the selected account using internal storage or external storage (SD card). Note that this is different to storing the app in external storage. See ??? for details on why app2sd is not enabled for K-9 Mail. {Update with version number and appropriate links to FAQ, etc.}



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