OCF is a Christmas event hosted by the Romanian Scouting Organization where we wrap people's gifts for them. As I'm in charge of the even this year, I built this app where each volunteer gets their own personal code which we scan in order to take attendance. The QR codes send a request to my server to update the Google Sheets file we use in order to keep track of the date of their check-in and check-out.
I cannot provide the deployment link since it might interfere with our event but I prepared this video to try and show how it works.
- Sveltekit
- Tailwindcss
- QR code API
Here are the instructions for setting up a svelte project:
Everything you need to build a Svelte project, powered by sv
If you're seeing this, you've probably already done this step. Congrats!
# create a new project in the current directory
npx sv create
# create a new project in my-app
npx sv create my-app
Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with npm install
(or pnpm install
or yarn
), start a development server:
npm run dev
# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open
To create a production version of your app:
npm run build
You can preview the production build with npm run preview
To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.
The instructions for setting up Tailwindcss with Sveltekit can be found here https://tailwindcss.com/docs/guides/sveltekit