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Merge pull request #43 from Verified-zkEVM/add32-proofs
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Add32 proofs in new formulation
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mitschabaude authored Jan 14, 2025
2 parents 084eded + d09d7bb commit 56cbdfe
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Showing 8 changed files with 263 additions and 42 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Clean/Circuit/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ def constraints_hold_default : List (PreOperation F) → Prop
table.contains ( (fun e => e.eval)) ∧ constraints_hold_default ops
| _ => constraints_hold_default ops

def witness_length : List (PreOperation F) → ℕ
| [] => 0
| (Witness _) :: ops => witness_length ops + 1
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Clean/GadgetsNew/Add8/Addition8Full.lean
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Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ def circuit : FormalCircuit (F p) (Inputs p) (field (F p)) where
let ⟨ asx, asy, as_carry_in ⟩ := as
have as': Add8FullCarry.circuit.assumptions { x, y, carry_in } := ⟨asx, asy, as_carry_in⟩
specialize h_holds (by assumption)
dsimp [ProvableType.from_values] at h_holds

guard_hyp h_holds : Add8FullCarry.circuit.spec
{ x, y, carry_in }
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion Clean/GadgetsNew/Add8/Addition8FullCarry.lean
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Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ def Inputs (p : ℕ) : TypePair := ⟨
InputStruct (F p)

instance : ProvableType (F p) (Inputs p) where
size := 3
to_vars s := vec [s.x, s.y, s.carry_in]
Expand All @@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ def Outputs (p : ℕ) : TypePair := ⟨
OutputStruct (F p)

instance : ProvableType (F p) (Outputs p) where
size := 2
to_vars s := vec [s.z, s.carry_out]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,7 +171,7 @@ def circuit : FormalCircuit (F p) (Inputs p) (Outputs p) where

have ⟨as_x, as_y, as_carry_in⟩ := as
have carry_in_bound := FieldUtils.boolean_le_2 carry_in as_carry_in
have carry_in_bound := FieldUtils.boolean_lt_2 as_carry_in

have completeness2 : goal_bool := by
apply Add8Theorems.completeness_bool
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Clean/GadgetsNew/Add8/Theorems.lean
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Expand Up @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ theorem soundness (x y out carry_in carry_out: F p):
(out.val = (x.val + y.val + carry_in.val) % 256
∧ carry_out.val = (x.val + y.val + carry_in.val) / 256):= by
intros hx hy hout carry_in_bool carry_out_bool h
have carry_in_bound := FieldUtils.boolean_le_2 carry_in carry_in_bool
have carry_in_bound := FieldUtils.boolean_lt_2 carry_in_bool

rcases carry_out_bool with zero_carry | one_carry
-- case with zero carry
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195 changes: 164 additions & 31 deletions Clean/GadgetsNew/Addition32Full.lean
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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import Clean.Types.U32

namespace Addition32Full
variable {p : ℕ} [Fact (p ≠ 0)] [Fact p.Prime]
variable [p_large_enough: Fact (p > 512)]
variable [p_large_enough: Fact (p > 2*2^32)]

open Provable (field field2 fields)

Expand All @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ def Inputs (p : ℕ) : TypePair := ⟨
InputStruct (F p)

instance : ProvableType (F p) (Inputs p) where
size := 9 -- 4 + 4 + 1
to_vars s := vec [s.x.x0, s.x.x1, s.x.x2, s.x.x3, s.y.x0, s.y.x1, s.y.x2, s.y.x3, s.carry_in]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,33 +50,15 @@ instance : ProvableType (F p) (Outputs p) where
let ⟨ [z0, z1, z2, z3, carry_out], _ ⟩ := v
⟨ ⟨ z0, z1, z2, z3 ⟩, carry_out ⟩

open Add8FullCarry (add8_full_carry)

def add32_full (input : (Inputs p).var) : Circuit (F p) (Outputs p).var := do
let ⟨x, y, carry_in⟩ := input

let {
z := z0,
carry_out := c0
} ← subcircuit Add8FullCarry.circuit ⟨ x.x0, y.x0, carry_in ⟩

let {
z := z1,
carry_out := c1
} ← subcircuit Add8FullCarry.circuit ⟨ x.x1, y.x1, c0 ⟩

let {
z := z2,
carry_out := c2
} ← subcircuit Add8FullCarry.circuit ⟨ x.x2, y.x2, c1 ⟩

let {
z := z3,
carry_out := c3
} ← subcircuit Add8FullCarry.circuit ⟨ x.x3, y.x3, c2 ⟩

return {
z := z0 z1 z2 z3,
carry_out := c3
let { z := z0, carry_out := c0 } ← add8_full_carry ⟨ x.x0, y.x0, carry_in ⟩
let { z := z1, carry_out := c1 } ← add8_full_carry ⟨ x.x1, y.x1, c0 ⟩
let { z := z2, carry_out := c2 } ← add8_full_carry ⟨ x.x2, y.x2, c1 ⟩
let { z := z3, carry_out := c3 } ← add8_full_carry ⟨ x.x3, y.x3, c2 ⟩
return { z := z0 z1 z2 z3, carry_out := c3 }

def assumptions (input : (Inputs p).value) :=
let ⟨x, y, carry_in⟩ := input
Expand All @@ -84,17 +67,167 @@ def assumptions (input : (Inputs p).value) :=
def spec (input : (Inputs p).value) (out: (Outputs p).value) :=
let ⟨x, y, carry_in⟩ := input
let ⟨z, carry_out⟩ := out
z.value = (x.value + y.value + carry_in.val) % 2^32
z.is_normalized ∧
carry_out.val = (x.value + y.value + carry_in.val) / 2^32
z.value = (x.value + y.value + carry_in.val) % 2^32
∧ carry_out.val = (x.value + y.value + carry_in.val) / 2^32
∧ z.is_normalized ∧ (carry_out = 0 ∨ carry_out = 1)

set_option linter.unusedVariables false

def circuit : FormalCircuit (F p) (Inputs p) (Outputs p) where
main := add32_full
assumptions := assumptions
spec := spec
soundness := by
rintro ctx env ⟨ x, y, carry_in ⟩ ⟨ x_var, y_var, carry_in_var ⟩ h_inputs as h
let ⟨ x0, x1, x2, x3 ⟩ := x
let ⟨ y0, y1, y2, y3 ⟩ := y
let ⟨ x0_var, x1_var, x2_var, x3_var ⟩ := x_var
let ⟨ y0_var, y1_var, y2_var, y3_var ⟩ := y_var
have : x0_var.eval_env env = x0 := by injections
have : x1_var.eval_env env = x1 := by injections
have : x2_var.eval_env env = x2 := by injections
have : x3_var.eval_env env = x3 := by injections
have : y0_var.eval_env env = y0 := by injections
have : y1_var.eval_env env = y1 := by injections
have : y2_var.eval_env env = y2 := by injections
have : y3_var.eval_env env = y3 := by injections
have : carry_in_var.eval_env env = carry_in := by injection h_inputs

-- simplify assumptions
dsimp [assumptions, U32.is_normalized] at as
have ⟨ x_norm, y_norm, carry_in_bool ⟩ := as
have ⟨ x0_byte, x1_byte, x2_byte, x3_byte ⟩ := x_norm
have ⟨ y0_byte, y1_byte, y2_byte, y3_byte ⟩ := y_norm

-- simplify circuit
dsimp [add32_full, Boolean.circuit, Circuit.formal_assertion_to_subcircuit] at h
set i0 := ctx.offset
have : ctx.offset = i0 := rfl
set z0 := env i0
set c0 := env (i0 + 1)
set z1 := env (i0 + 2)
set c1 := env (i0 + 3)
set z2 := env (i0 + 4)
set c2 := env (i0 + 5)
set z3 := env (i0 + 6)
set c3 := env (i0 + 7)
rw [‹x0_var.eval_env env = x0›, ‹y0_var.eval_env env = y0›, ‹carry_in_var.eval_env env = carry_in›] at h
rw [‹x1_var.eval_env env = x1›, ‹y1_var.eval_env env = y1›] at h
rw [‹x2_var.eval_env env = x2›, ‹y2_var.eval_env env = y2›] at h
rw [‹x3_var.eval_env env = x3›, ‹y3_var.eval_env env = y3›] at h
rw [ByteTable.equiv z0, ByteTable.equiv z1, ByteTable.equiv z2, ByteTable.equiv z3] at h
simp only [true_implies] at h
have ⟨ z0_byte, c0_bool, h0, z1_byte, c1_bool, h1, z2_byte, c2_bool, h2, z3_byte, c3_bool, h3 ⟩ := h

-- simplify spec
dsimp [spec, U32.value, U32.is_normalized]
rw [‹ctx.offset = i0›, (by rfl: env (i0 + 7) = c3)]
rw [(by rfl: env i0 = z0), (by rfl: env (i0 + 2) = z1), (by rfl: env (i0 + 4) = z2), (by rfl: env (i0 + 6) = z3)]

-- add up all the equations
let z := z0 + z1*256 + z2*256^2 + z3*256^3
let x := x0 + x1*256 + x2*256^2 + x3*256^3
let y := y0 + y1*256 + y2*256^2 + y3*256^3
let lhs := z + c3*2^32
let rhs₀ := x0 + y0 + carry_in + -1 * z0 + -1 * (c0 * 256) -- h0 expression
let rhs₁ := x1 + y1 + c0 + -1 * z1 + -1 * (c1 * 256) -- h1 expression
let rhs₂ := x2 + y2 + c1 + -1 * z2 + -1 * (c2 * 256) -- h2 expression
let rhs₃ := x3 + y3 + c2 + -1 * z3 + -1 * (c3 * 256) -- h3 expression

have h_add := calc z + c3*2^32
-- substitute equations
_ = lhs + 0 + 256*0 + 256^2*0 + 256^3*0 := by ring
_ = lhs + rhs₀ + 256*rhs₁ + 256^2*rhs₂ + 256^3*rhs₃ := by dsimp [rhs₀, rhs₁, rhs₂, rhs₃]; rw [h0, h1, h2, h3]
-- simplify
_ = x + y + carry_in := by ring

-- move added equation into Nat
let z_nat := z0.val + z1.val*256 + z2.val*256^2 + z3.val*256^3
let x_nat := x0.val + x1.val*256 + x2.val*256^2 + x3.val*256^3
let y_nat := y0.val + y1.val*256 + y2.val*256^2 + y3.val*256^3

have : c3.val < 2 := FieldUtils.boolean_lt_2 c3_bool
have : carry_in.val < 2 := FieldUtils.boolean_lt_2 carry_in_bool

have h_add_nat := calc z_nat + c3.val*2^32
_ = (z + c3*2^32).val := by dsimp only [z_nat]; field_to_nat_u32
_ = (x + y + carry_in).val := congrArg ZMod.val h_add
_ = x_nat + y_nat + carry_in.val := by dsimp only [x_nat, y_nat]; field_to_nat_u32

-- show that lhs splits into low and high 32 bits
have : z_nat < 2^32 := by dsimp only [z_nat]; linarith

have h_low : z_nat = (x_nat + y_nat + carry_in.val) % 2^32 := by
suffices h : z_nat = z_nat % 2^32 by
rw [← h_add_nat, ← Nat.add_mod_mod, ← Nat.mul_mod_mod]
simpa using h
rw [Nat.mod_eq_of_lt ‹z_nat < 2^32›]

have h_high : c3.val = (x_nat + y_nat + carry_in.val) / 2^32 := by
rw [← h_add_nat, Nat.add_mul_div_right _ _ (by norm_num)]
rw [Nat.div_eq_of_lt ‹z_nat < 2^32›, zero_add]

exact ⟨ h_low, h_high, ⟨ z0_byte, z1_byte, z2_byte, z3_byte ⟩, c3_bool ⟩

completeness := by
rintro ctx ⟨ x, y, carry_in ⟩ ⟨ x_var, y_var, carry_in_var ⟩ h_inputs as
let ⟨ x0, x1, x2, x3 ⟩ := x
let ⟨ y0, y1, y2, y3 ⟩ := y
let ⟨ x0_var, x1_var, x2_var, x3_var ⟩ := x_var
let ⟨ y0_var, y1_var, y2_var, y3_var ⟩ := y_var
have : x0_var.eval = x0 := by injections
have : x1_var.eval = x1 := by injections
have : x2_var.eval = x2 := by injections
have : x3_var.eval = x3 := by injections
have : y0_var.eval = y0 := by injections
have : y1_var.eval = y1 := by injections
have : y2_var.eval = y2 := by injections
have : y3_var.eval = y3 := by injections
have : carry_in_var.eval = carry_in := by injections

-- simplify assumptions
dsimp [assumptions, U32.is_normalized] at as
have ⟨ x_norm, y_norm, carry_in_bool ⟩ := as
have ⟨ x0_byte, x1_byte, x2_byte, x3_byte ⟩ := x_norm
have ⟨ y0_byte, y1_byte, y2_byte, y3_byte ⟩ := y_norm

-- simplify circuit
dsimp [add32_full, Boolean.circuit, Circuit.formal_assertion_to_subcircuit]
rw [‹x0_var.eval = x0›, ‹y0_var.eval = y0›, ‹carry_in_var.eval = carry_in›]
rw [‹x1_var.eval = x1›, ‹y1_var.eval = y1›]
rw [‹x2_var.eval = x2›, ‹y2_var.eval = y2›]
rw [‹x3_var.eval = x3›, ‹y3_var.eval = y3›]
set z0 := FieldUtils.mod_256 (x0 + y0 + carry_in)
set c0 := FieldUtils.floordiv (x0 + y0 + carry_in) 256
set z1 := FieldUtils.mod_256 (x1 + y1 + c0)
set c1 := FieldUtils.floordiv (x1 + y1 + c0) 256
set z2 := FieldUtils.mod_256 (x2 + y2 + c1)
set c2 := FieldUtils.floordiv (x2 + y2 + c1) 256
set z3 := FieldUtils.mod_256 (x3 + y3 + c2)
set c3 := FieldUtils.floordiv (x3 + y3 + c2) 256

simp only [true_and]

-- the add8 completeness proof, four times
have add8_completeness {x y c_in : F p} :
let z := FieldUtils.mod_256 (x + y + c_in);
let c_out := FieldUtils.floordiv (x + y + c_in) 256;
x.val < 256 → y.val < 256 → c_in = 0 ∨ c_in = 1
ByteTable.contains (vec [z]) ∧ (c_out = 0 ∨ c_out = 1) ∧ x + y + c_in + -1 * z + -1 * (c_out * 256) = 0
:= by
intro z c_out _ _ hc
have : z.val < 256 := FieldUtils.mod_256_lt (x + y + c_in)
use ByteTable.completeness z this
have : c_in.val < 2 := FieldUtils.boolean_lt_2 hc
have : (x + y + c_in).val < 512 := by field_to_nat_u32
use FieldUtils.floordiv_bool this
rw [FieldUtils.mod_add_div_256 (x + y + c_in)]

have ⟨ z0_byte, c0_bool, h0 ⟩ := add8_completeness x0_byte y0_byte carry_in_bool
have ⟨ z1_byte, c1_bool, h1 ⟩ := add8_completeness x1_byte y1_byte c0_bool
have ⟨ z2_byte, c2_bool, h2 ⟩ := add8_completeness x2_byte y2_byte c1_bool
have ⟨ z3_byte, c3_bool, h3 ⟩ := add8_completeness x3_byte y3_byte c2_bool

exact ⟨ z0_byte, c0_bool, h0, z1_byte, c1_bool, h1, z2_byte, c2_bool, h2, z3_byte, c3_bool, h3 ⟩
end Addition32Full
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Clean/GadgetsNew/ByteLookup.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ def ByteTable.completeness (x: F p) : x.val < 256 → ByteTable.contains (vec [x
simp [h']
rw [FieldUtils.nat_to_field_of_val_eq_iff]

def ByteTable.equiv (x: F p) : ByteTable.contains (vec [x]) ↔ x.val < 256 :=
⟨ByteTable.soundness x, ByteTable.completeness x⟩

def byte_lookup (x: Expression (F p)) := lookup {
table := ByteTable
entry := vec [x]
Expand Down
58 changes: 56 additions & 2 deletions Clean/Types/U32.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
import Clean.GadgetsNew.ByteLookup

variable {p : ℕ} [Fact (p ≠ 0)] [Fact p.Prime]
variable [p_large_enough: Fact (p > 512)]
variable {p : ℕ} [Fact p.Prime]
variable [p_large_enough: Fact (p > 2*2^32)]

instance : NeZero p := ⟨‹Fact p.Prime›.elim.ne_zero⟩
instance : Fact (p > 512) := by apply; linarith [p_large_enough.elim]

A 32-bit unsigned integer is represented using four limbs of 8 bits each.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,6 +47,12 @@ def is_normalized (x: U32 (F p)) :=
def value (x: U32 (F p)) :=
x.x0.val + x.x1.val * 256 + x.x2.val * 256^2 + x.x3.val * 256^3

Return the value of a 32-bit unsigned integer as a field element.
def value_field (x: U32 (F p)) : F p :=
x.x0 + x.x1 * 256 + x.x2 * 256^2 + x.x3 * 256^3

Return a 32-bit unsigned integer from a natural number, by decomposing
it into four limbs of 8 bits each.
Expand All @@ -69,5 +78,50 @@ lemma wrapping_add_correct (x y z: U32 (F p)) :
x.wrapping_add y = z ↔ z.value = (x.value + y.value) % 2^32 := by

-- U32-related tactic and lemmas

lemma val_eq_256 : (256 : F p).val = 256 := FieldUtils.val_lt_p 256 (by linarith [p_large_enough.elim])
lemma val_eq_256p2 : (256^2 : F p).val = 256^2 := by ring_nf; exact FieldUtils.val_lt_p (256^2) (by linarith [p_large_enough.elim])
lemma val_eq_256p3 : (256^3 : F p).val = 256^3 := by ring_nf; exact FieldUtils.val_lt_p (256^3) (by linarith [p_large_enough.elim])
lemma val_eq_256p4 : (256^4 : F p).val = 256^4 := by ring_nf; exact FieldUtils.val_lt_p (256^4) (by linarith [p_large_enough.elim])
lemma val_eq_2p32 : (2^32 : F p).val = 2^32 := by have := val_eq_256p4 (p:=p); ring_nf at *; assumption

tactic script to fully rewrite a ZMod expression to its Nat version, given that
the expression is smaller than the modulus.
example (x y : F p) (hx: x.val < 256) (hy: y.val < 256) :
(x + y * 256).val = x.val + y.val * 256 := by field_to_nat_u32
expected context:
- the equation to prove as the goal
- size assumptions on variables and a sufficient `p > ...` instance
if no sufficient inequalities are in the context, then the tactic will leave an equation of the form `expr : Nat < p` unsolved.
note: this version is optimized for uint32 arithmetic:
- specifically handles field constants 256, 256^2, 256^3, 256^4 = 2^32
- expects `[Fact (p > 2*256^4)]` in the context
syntax "field_to_nat_u32" : tactic
| `(tactic|field_to_nat_u32) =>
repeat rw [ZMod.val_add] -- (a + b).val = (a.val + b.val) % p
repeat rw [ZMod.val_mul] -- (a * b).val = (a.val * b.val) % p
repeat rw [U32.val_eq_256]
repeat rw [U32.val_eq_256p2]
repeat rw [U32.val_eq_256p3]
repeat rw [U32.val_eq_256p4]
repeat rw [U32.val_eq_2p32]
simp only [Nat.reducePow, Nat.add_mod_mod, Nat.mod_add_mod, Nat.mul_mod_mod, Nat.mod_mul_mod]
rw [Nat.mod_eq_of_lt _]
repeat linarith [‹Fact (_ > 2 * 2^32)›.elim]))

lemma value_eq {x0 x1 x2 x3: F p} (h0 : x0.val < 256) (h1 : x1.val < 256) (h2 : x2.val < 256) (h3 : x3.val < 256) :
(x0 + x1 * 256 + x2 * 256^2 + x3 * 256^3).val = x0.val + x1.val * 256 + x2.val * 256^2 + x3.val * 256^3 := by
end U32

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