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prove version of addition8 where spec doesn't mention carry
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mitschabaude committed Nov 13, 2024
1 parent cbe5bb3 commit a84f223
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Clean/Expression.lean
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Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ def TraceOfLength (N : ℕ+) (M : ℕ) (F : Type) : Type := { env : Trace N F /

def Trace.getLe {N: ℕ+} {F : Type} : (env : Trace N F) -> (row : Fin env.len) -> (j : Fin N) -> F
| _ +> currRow, ⟨0, _⟩, columnIndex => currRow columnIndex
| rest +> _, ⟨Nat.succ i, h⟩, j => getLe rest ⟨i, Nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h⟩ j
| rest +> _, ⟨i + 1, h⟩, j => getLe rest ⟨i, Nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h⟩ j

def TraceOfLength.get {N: ℕ+} {M : ℕ} {F : Type} : (env : TraceOfLength N M F) -> (i : Fin M) -> (j : Fin N) -> F
| ⟨env, h⟩, i, j => env.getLe (by rw [←h] at i; exact i) j
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151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions Clean/Gadgets/Addition8New.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
import Clean.GenericConstraint
import Clean.Expression
import Clean.Gadgets.Boolean
import Clean.Gadgets.ByteLookup
import Clean.Utils.Field
import Mathlib.Algebra.Field.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.ZMod.Basic

8-bit addition constraint gadget: the output `out` must be the sum of the
inputs `x` and `y` modulo 256, and the carry `carry` must be the quotient
of the sum of `x` and `y` divided by 256.
namespace Addition8
open Expression
variable {p : ℕ} [p_is_prime: Fact p.Prime] [p_large_enough: Fact (p > 512)]
instance : CommRing (F p) := ZMod.commRing p

-- could use nats as expressions but seems to slightly complicate proofs
instance {N: ℕ+} {M n : ℕ} : OfNat (Expression N M (F p)) n where
ofNat := const (OfNat.ofNat n : (Fin p))

variable (N : ℕ+) (M : ℕ)

def assumptions (x y z : Expression N M (F p)) := [
ByteLookup.lookup N M x,
ByteLookup.lookup N M y,
ByteLookup.lookup N M z,

def circuit (N : ℕ+) (M : ℕ) (x y out carry : Expression N M (F p)) : ConstraintGadget p N M :=
x + y - out - carry * (const 256)
assumptions N M x y out,
Boolean.circuit N M carry

def spec (N : ℕ+) (M : ℕ) (x y z: Expression N M (F p)) : TraceOfLength N M (F p) -> Prop :=
fun trace =>
have x := trace.eval x
have y := trace.eval y
have z := trace.eval z
z.val = (x.val + y.val) % 256

theorem equiv (N : ℕ+) (M : ℕ) (x y out: Expression N M (F p)) :
(∀ X,
(forallList (assumptions N M x y out) (fun lookup => lookup.prop X))
-> (
(∃ carry, constraints_hold (circuit N M x y out carry) X)
spec N M x y out X
) := by

intro X
simp [constraints_hold, forallList, ByteLookup.lookup]
simp [TraceOfLength.eval, spec]
intro hx_byte
intro hy_byte
intro hout_byte
set x := X.eval x
set y := X.eval y
set out := X.eval out

-- preliminaries
have no_wrap_xy : (x + y).val = x.val + y.val := by
rw [ZMod.val_add_of_lt]
linarith [hx_byte, hy_byte, p_large_enough.elim]

have val_self : (256 : ZMod p).val = 256 := ZMod.val_natCast_of_lt (by linarith [p_large_enough.elim])

have no_wrap_out : (out + 256).val = out.val + 256 := by
rw [ZMod.val_add_of_lt, val_self]
linarith [hout_byte, p_large_enough.elim]

-- soundness
· rintro ⟨ carry, h ⟩
set carry := X.eval carry
rcases (And.right h) with zero_carry | one_carry
-- carry = 0
· rw [zero_carry] at h
simp [←sub_eq_add_neg] at h
rw [←Nat.mod_eq_of_lt hout_byte]
have : out = x + y := calc
_ = 0 + out := by ring
_ = x + y - out + out := by rw [h]
_ = x + y := by ring
rw [this, no_wrap_xy]
-- carry = 1
· have one_carry': carry = 1 := calc
_ = carry - 0 := by ring
_ = carry - (carry + -1) := by rw [one_carry]
_ = 1 := by ring
rw [one_carry'] at h
simp [ZMod.val_add] at h
rw [← Nat.mod_eq_of_lt hout_byte]
rw [← no_wrap_xy]
have : x + y = out + 256 := calc
_ = x + y + -out + -256 + out + 256 := by ring
_ = 0 + out + 256 := by rw [h]
_ = _ := by ring
rw [this, no_wrap_out]
rw [Nat.add_mod, Nat.mod_self, Nat.add_zero, Nat.mod_mod]

-- completeness
· intro h
have carry? := Nat.lt_or_ge (x.val + y.val) 256
rcases carry? with sum_lt_256 | sum_ge_256

-- first case: x + y <= 256, carry = 0
· use 0
simp [TraceOfLength.eval]
rw [(Nat.mod_eq_iff_lt (by linarith)).mpr sum_lt_256, ← no_wrap_xy] at h
rw [←sub_eq_add_neg, sub_eq_zero]
apply_fun ZMod.val
· symm; exact h
· apply ZMod.val_injective

-- second case: x + y > 256, carry = 1
· use 1
simp [TraceOfLength.eval]
have one_lt : 1 < p := by linarith [p_large_enough.elim]
rw [Nat.mod_eq_of_lt one_lt]
have one_val : ((1 : ℕ) : ZMod p).val = 1 := ZMod.val_natCast_of_lt one_lt
simp [one_val]
suffices g : x + y = out + 256 from calc x + y + -out + -256
_ = out + 256 + -out + -256 := by rw [g]
_ = 0 := by ring

have sum_le_512 := Nat.add_lt_add hx_byte hy_byte
simp at sum_le_512
have div_one : (x.val + y.val) / 256 = 1 := by
apply Nat.div_eq_of_lt_le
· simp; exact sum_ge_256
· simp; exact sum_le_512
have modulo_definition_div := Nat.mod_add_div (x.val + y.val) 256
rw [← h, div_one] at modulo_definition_div
simp at modulo_definition_div
apply_fun ZMod.val
· rw [no_wrap_xy, no_wrap_out]
exact modulo_definition_div
· apply ZMod.val_injective

end Addition8
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Clean/GenericConstraint.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ def forallList {α : Type} (v : List α) (p : α -> Prop) : Prop :=
| [] => true
| (x::xs) => p x ∧ forallList xs p

def constraints_hold {p M: ℕ} {N: ℕ+} [Fact p.Prime] (circuit : ConstraintGadget p N M) (trace : TraceOfLength N M (F p)) :=
(forallList (fullConstraintSet circuit) (fun constraint => trace.eval constraint = 0))

A Constraint is a typeclass that packages the definition of the circuit together with its higher
level specification.
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