Master Python by building 100 projects in 100 days. Learn data science, automation, build websites, games and apps!
- Day 1 - Band name generator
- Day 2 - Tip calculator
- Day 3 - Treasure island
- Day 4 - Rock paper scissors
- Day 5 - Password generator
- Day 6 - Maze
- Day 7 - Hangman
- Day 8 - Ceasar cipher
- Day 9 - Blind auction
- Day 10 - Calculator
- Day 11 - Blackjack <-- [Capstone]
- Day 12 - Number guessing game
- Day 13 - Debugging <-- [Resolution]
- Day 14 - Higher lower
- Day 15 - Coffee machine
- Day 16 - Coffee machine OOP
- Day 17 - Quiz game
- Day 18 - The hirst painting
- Day 19 - Turtle race
- Day 20 - Snake game <-- [Part 1]
- Day 21 - Snake game <-- [Last Part]
- Day 22 - Pong game
- Day 23 - Turtle crossing <-- [Capstone]
- Day 24 - Mail merge
- Day 25 - U.S. states game
- Day 26 - NATO alphabet
- Day 27 - Mile to km converter <-- [First Tkinter]
- Day 28 - Pomodoro
- Day 29 - Password manager
- Day 30 - Password manager optimization
- Day 31 - Flash card <-- [Capstone]
- Day 32 - Birthday manager
- Day 33 - ISS scan
- Day 34 - GUI quiz
- Day 35 - Rain alert SMS
- Day 36 - Stock trading news alert
- Day 37 - Habit tracking API requestes headers
- Day 38 - Exercice Tracker
- Day 39 - Flight alert lower prices <-- [part 1]
- Day 40 - Flight alert lower prices <-- [Final part]
- Day 41 - Web foundation - Introduction HTML
- Day 42 - Web foundation - Intermediate HTML
- Day 43 - Web foundation - Introduction CSS
- Day 44 - Web foundation - Intermediate CSS
- Day 45 - Web Scraping - 100 Movies that you must watch
- Day 46 - Create a Spotify Playlist using the Musical Time Machine
- Day 47 - Create an Automated Amazon Price Tracker
- Day 48 - Selenium Bot Cookie Clicker
- Day 49 - Selenium Automating job applications on LinkedIn
- Day 50 - Selenium Automating Tinder Swiping Bot
- Day 51 - Selenium Internet speed twitter complaint bot
- Day 52 - Selenium Instagram follower bot
- Day 53 - Web Scraping Data Entry job automation <-- [Capstone]
- Day 54 - Introduction to web development with Flask
- Day 55 - HTML & URL Parsing in Flask and the Higher Lower Game
- Day 56 - Rendering HTML/Static files and Using Website Templates
- Day 57 - Templating with Jinja in Flask Applications
- Day 58-60 - Web Foundation Bootstrap
- Day 61 - Blog Capstone Project
- Day 62 - Make POST Requests with Flask and HTML Forms
- Day 63 - Building advanced forms with Flask-WTForms
- Day 64 - Flask, WTForms, Bootstrap and CSV - Coffee & Wifi Project
- Day 65 - Databases and with SQLite and SQLAlchemy
- Day 66 - My top 10 Movies website
- Day 67 - Building API with RESTful Routing
- Day 68 - Blog Capstone Project [PART 3] RESTful Routing
- Day 69 - Authentication with Flask
- Day 70 - Blog Capstone Project [PART 4] Adding Users
- Day 71 - Deploying your web application with heroku
- Day 72 - Data exploration with pandas: College Major v.s. Your Salary
- Day 73 - Data Visualisation with Matplotlib
- Day 74 - Aggregate & Merge Data with Pandas: Analyse the LEGO Dataset
- Day 75 - Google trends Data: Resampling and Visualising Time Series
- Day 76 - Beautiful Plotly Charts & Analysing the Android App Store
- Day 77 - Computation with NumPy and N-Dimensional Arrays
- Day 78 - Linear Regression and Data Visualisation with Seaborn
- Day 79-80 - Analysing the Nobel Prize with Plotly, Matplotlib & Seaborn
- Day 81 - The Tragic Discovery of Handwashing: t-Tests & Distributions
- Day 82 - Predict House Prices <-- [CapStone]
- Day 83 - Text to Morse Code Converter
- Day 84 - Portfolio Project