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FilePicker License

Open camera app for capture photo or videos without asking any Camera or Storage Permission and receive the captured file. Open gallery and pick one or multiple files without asking storage permission. Apply mime type filters for picking files from gallery

  • Written in Kotlin

  • Support Android Kotlin Projects

  • Minimum API Level support 21

  • Kotlin DSL patterns with very minimal code

  • kotlin lambda callbacks for loading, success (with file), error (with message)

  • Efficient and easy API

  • Tiny in size


Add this in your project level build.gradle

allprojects {
 repositories {
        maven { url "" } // add this line

Then, add the library to your module build.gradle

dependencies {
 implementation 'com.github.VijayMakwana:FilePicker:0.0.5'


Open Camera and capture Image

captureImage {
          onSuccess { file ->
              // Here is your captured Image
          onError { errorMessage ->
              // You can show error message
          onLoading {
              // you can show loading state here

Open Camera and capture Video

captureVideo {
          onSuccess { file ->
              // Here is your captured Video File
          onError { errorMessage ->
              // You can show error message
          onLoading {
              // you can show loading state here

Open gallery and pick file

pickFile {
          onSuccess { file ->
              // Here is your picked file
          onError { errorMessage ->
              // You can show error message
          onLoading {
              // you can show loading state here

Open gallery and pick multiple file

pickMultipleFile {
          onSuccess { fileList: List<File> ->
              // Here is your picked files
          onError { errorMessage ->
              // You can show error message
          onLoading {
              // you can show loading state here

Open gallery and pick file with mime filter (e.g. you only want to pick photos and video no any other files)

pickFile {
          mimeTypes = arrayListOf("image/*", "video/*")
          onSuccess { file ->
              // Here is your picked file
          onError { errorMessage ->
              // You can show error message
          onLoading {
              // you can show loading state here


Capture Image or Videos and Pick File.







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