Sononymefel is a small Python script that automatically creates and assigns tags to your sample library in the FL Studio browser using Sononym's local database file.
The syntax goes as follows: dbfile_path [--fl_user_data_folder] [--sample_library_folder]
Upon scanning a sample library and automatically tagging the audio files using machine learning, Sononym creates a database file called sononym.db, normally located at the root of the imported sample library folder.
Fortunately this database is not encrypted, so we can easily read and extract its contents. For the purposes of this script, we simply need the filename and categories_VS clumns.
To store the list of tags and to remember which tag(s) are associated with each sample, FL Studio creates a file called Tags in the following location:
USER_DATA_FOLDER/FL Studio/Settings/Browser/
Although I found that FL Studio can be very picky about the syntax when parsing this file, we can see that it is relatively straight forward to understand how the information is structured.