##Overview Page##
##Details Page##
Sales Overview:
- Year-to-Date (YTD) Total Sales: Total sales from the beginning of the current year to date.
- Month-to-Date (MTD) Total Sales: Total sales for the current month.
- Year-over-Year (YOY) Growth in Total Sales:** Percentage change in total sales compared to the same period last year.
- Difference between YTD Sales and Previous Year-to-Date (PTYD) Sales: Variance in total sales between the current year and the previous year-to-date period.
Average Price Analysis:
- YTD Average Price: Average selling price of cars from the beginning of the current year to date.
- MTD Average Price: Average selling price of cars for the current month.
- YOY Growth in Average Price: Percentage change in average selling price compared to the same period last year.
- Difference between YTD Average Price and PTYD Average Price: Variance in average selling price between the current year and the previous year-to-date period.
Cars Sold Metrics:
- YTD Cars Sold: Total number of cars sold from the beginning of the current year to date.
- MTD Cars Sold: Total number of cars sold for the current month.
- YOY Growth in Cars Sold: Percentage change in the number of cars sold compared to the same period last year.
- Difference between YTD Cars Sold and PTYD Cars Sold: Variance in the number of cars sold between the current year and the previous year-to-date period.
YTD Sales Weekly Trend:
- Display a line chart illustrating the weekly trend of Year-to-Date (YTD) sales.
- The X-axis represents weeks, and the Y-axis shows the total sales amount over each week.
YTD Total Sales by Body Style:
- Visualize the distribution of YTD total sales across different car body styles using a Pie chart.
- Each segment of the Pie chart represents a different body style, with its proportion indicating its contribution to the total sales.
YTD Total Sales by Colour:
- Present the contribution of various car colors to the YTD total sales through a Pie chart.
- Each segment of the Pie chart represents a different color, with its proportion indicating its contribution to the total sales.
YTD Cars Sold by Dealer Region:
- Showcase the YTD sales data based on different dealer regions using a map chart to visualize the sales distribution geographically.
- Each region on the map is color-coded to represent the YTD sales volume, providing a visual understanding of sales distribution across regions.
Company-Wise Sales Trend in Grid Form:
- Provide a tabular grid that displays the sales trend for each company.
- The grid showcases the company name along with their YTD sales figures, allowing for easy comparison of sales performance among different companies.
Details Grid Showing All Car Sales Information:
- Create a detailed grid that presents all relevant information for each car sold, including car model, body style, color, dealer region, date, etc.
- This comprehensive grid provides a detailed overview of all car sales information, facilitating deeper analysis and decision-making.