The Book Search Engine is an advanced, user-friendly platform designed for users to effortlessly search for books by title or author, presenting a list of relevant results. This project was initially built using the MERN stack and has been enhanced by replacing the existing RESTful API with a more flexible and efficient GraphQL API.
Responsive Design: The website is fully responsive, offering a seamless experience on various screen sizes.
User Authentication: Users can easily login or sign up through a secure portal. The process requires a username, a valid email address, and a strong password.
Book Search: Users can search for books using a straightforward search bar, which then displays a list of matching results.
Book Details: Each search result provides comprehensive information about the book, including its title, author, description, and cover image. It also includes a direct link to the Google Books site for that particular book.
Save Books: Registered users have the option to save books of interest for later reading. These saved books can be managed from a dedicated "Saved Books" page.
Frontend: React.js, CSS, Bootstrap
Backend: Node.js, Express.js
Database: MongoDB, Mongoose
API: GraphQL, Google Books API
State Management: @apollo/client
Server: apollo-server-express
Authentication: JWT, bcrypt
Dev Tools: npm, concurrently, nodemon