Object oriented PHP Framework for easy&fast writing small/middle sized apps.
Log all GDPR related information into SQL table
Well framed large icons
$mpmenu = new \Ease\ui\MainPageMenu();
$mpmenu->addMenuItem('logo.png', 'Caption', 'https://url/');
Ease support for http://bootstrapswitch.com/
new Ease\ui\TWBSwitch('swname', true, 1,['onText' => 'YES', 'offText' => 'NO']);
The libjs-bootstrap-switch package with requied js/css assets is already present in our repository https://www.vitexsoftware.cz/repo.php
Show light or dark circle in given color.
new \Ease\ui\BooleanLED(false, 'green');
Ease Support for http://jonmiles.github.io/bootstrap-treeview/ A simple and elegant solution to displaying hierarchical tree structures (i.e. a Tree View)
new \Ease\ui\TBWTreeView('tree', 'data: getTree()');
Simple chooser of availble locales
new \Ease\ui\LangSelect()
Show live age based on unix timestamp
new \Ease\ui\LiveAge(1530280004);
Classic form with username input password input and submit button
new \Ease\ui\SignInForm();
With eye icon to show plaintext
new PasswordInput($this->passwordField);
new BrowsingHistory();
new StickyNote();
Apply Selectize.js to InputBox or Select
class Selector extends \Ease\Html\SelectTag
use \Ease\ui\Selectizer;
$properties = [
'valueField' => 'value',
'labelField' => 'key',
'searchField' => ['key', 'value']
$options = [
['key' => 'red', 'value' => 'Red'],
['key' => 'blue', 'value' => 'Blue'],
['key' => 'green', 'value' => 'Green'],
['key' => 'yellow', 'value' => 'Yellow'],
$s = new Selector('selector');
$s->selectize($properties, $options);
composer require vitexsoftware/ease-bricks
Older versions and its requirements https://packagist.org/packages/vitexsoftware/ease-bricks
To get Docker image:
docker pull vitexsoftware/ease-bricks
For Debian, Ubuntu & friends please use repo:
wget -O - http://v.s.cz/info@vitexsoftware.cz.gpg.key|sudo apt-key add -
echo deb http://v.s.cz/ stable main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ease.list
aptitude update
aptitude install ease-bricks
In this case please add this to your app composer.json:
"require": {
"ease-bricks": "*"
"repositories": [
"type": "path",
"url": "/usr/share/php/EaseCore",
"options": {
"symlink": true
Homepage: https://www.vitexsoftware.cz/ease.php
GitHub: https://github.com/VitexSoftware/Ease-PHP-Bricks
Apigen Docs: https://www.vitexsoftware.cz/ease-php-bricks/