- Ruby 2.7.6
- Rails 6.1
- PostgreSQL 10.x
- Node 18.11
git clone git@github.com:Vizzuality/vizz_trackr.git
cd vizz_trackr
bundle install
yarn install
bundle exec rails db:create
bundle exec rails db:migrate
bundle exec rails server
- point your browser to
Before upping your Rails server, you should also create a .env
file with the necessary env variables. These are stated in the .env.sample
file, so you only need to copy the file and fill the variables appropriately.
To properly work on the application in your local environment you'll need to add some data to your database. You can start simple and just create a user, add fake data to have a better dataset, or get a database dump from one of the live versions and import it.
You will need to create a user to be able to login and add data to the tool. You will need to do that via the console, as registration of new users via the interface is currently disabled, to do so, type this into your terminal:
rails console
User.create(email: "youremail@yourorg.yourdomain", password: "your_password", password_confirmation: "your_password", admin: true, name: "Your Name")
After this you'll be able to login with those details!
There area series of seeds on db/seeds.rb
that are generated using the
Faker gem. You can import those with
bundle exec rails db:seed
Both staging and production versions of the application are deployed on Heroku so if you want to work with a closer to real version of the data you can create a backup from Heroku and download the database dump to import to your development database. Read more about it here.
- Update your test database if needed
bundle exec rails db:test:prepare
- Run them:
bundle exec rails test
- Run rubocop:
bundle exec rubocop