MetaStore is a research data repository software for storing metadata documents and schemas. Quality and consistency are ensured by associating and validating each document against a schema. It supports JSON and XML.
It allows you to
- register an (XML/JSON) schema
- update an (XML/JSON) schema
- add metadata linked with a registered schema
- validate metadata against a registered schema
- update added metadata
There are three ways to install metaStore2 as a microservice:
- Using the image available via GitHub Packages (recommended)
- Building docker image locally
- Building and running locally
In order to run this microservice via docker you'll need:
Typically, there is no need for locally building images as all version are accessible via GitHub Packages. Have a look of available images and their tags here Just follow instructions below.
In order to run this microservice via docker you'll need:
First of all you'll have to clone this repository:
user@localhost:/home/user/$ git clone
Clone to 'metastore2'
user@localhost:/home/user/$ cd metastore2
Now you'll have to create an image containing the microservice. This can be done via a script. On default the created images will be tagged as follows:
'latest tag'-'actual date(yyyy-mm-dd)' (e.g.: 1.2.0-2023-06-27)
user@localhost:/home/user/metastore2$ bash docker/
Build docker container
Now you can create and start the container by calling ...
After building image you have to create (and start) a container for executing microservice:
# If you want to use a specific image you may list all possible tags first.
user@localhost:/home/user/metastore2$ docker images --format {{.Tag}}
user@localhost:/home/user/metastore2$ docker run -d -p8040:8040 --name metastore4docker
If you want to overwrite default configuration of your docker container you have to 'mount' a config directory containing '' with your adapted settings. Therefor you have to provide an additional flag to the command mentioned before:
# Overwriting default settings
# Create config folder
user@localhost:/home/user/metastore2$ mkdir config
# Place your own '' inside the config directory
# Create/run container
user@localhost:/home/user/metastore2$ docker run -d -p8040:8040 -v `pwd`/config:/spring/metastore2/config --name metastore4docker
If you want to stop container just type
user@localhost:/home/user/metastore2$ docker stop metastore4docker
If you want to (re)start container just type
user@localhost:/home/user/metastore2$ docker start metastore4docker
In order to run this microservice via docker you'll need:
First of all you'll have to clone this repository:
user@localhost:/home/user/$ git clone
Clone to 'metastore2'
user@localhost:/home/user/$ cd metastore2
To build service just execute the script:
user@localhost:/home/user/metastore2$bash /PATH/TO/EMPTY/INSTALLATION/DIRECTORY
Build microservice of metastore2 at /PATH/TO/EMPTY/INSTALLATION/DIRECTORY
Now you can start the service by calling /PATH/TO/EMPTY/INSTALLATION/DIRECTORY/
If you want to overwrite default configuration of your docker container you have to add a file named '' to the 'config' directory inside your installation path (/PATH/TO/EMPTY/INSTALLATION/DIRECTORY)selected before. The added file should only contain your adapted settings. e.g. in case you want to change only the port to '1234' your '' should look like this:
# Overwriting default settings from ../
# Server settings
server.port: 1234
Based on Docker Compose, the entire framework, including elasticsearch and the UI, can now be installed with a single command.
user@localhost:/home/user/metastore2$ docker compose up -d
As soon all services are running you can browse to http://localhost/index.html
If you want to use the (external) web frontend please visit:
A small documentation guiding you through the first steps of using the RESTful API you can find at
If you want to use a script for doing so please refer to
in order to see available RESTful endpoints and their documentation. Furthermore, you can use this Web interface to test single API calls in order to get familiar with the service.
To stop and start all services do the following:
user@localhost:/home/user/metastore2$ docker compose stop
[+] Running 6/6
⠿ Container frontend.docker Stopped 1.5s
⠿ Container metastore.docker St... 13.1s
⠿ Container indexing.docker Stopped 0.3s
⠿ Container metastore2-dps-1 Stopped 13.2s
⠿ Container rabbitmq.docker S... 6.5s
⠿ Container elastic.docker St... 0.8s
user@localhost:/home/user/metastore2$ docker compose start
[+] Running 6/6
⠿ Container frontend.docker Started 0.3s
⠿ Container metastore2-dps-1 Started 10.5s
⠿ Container elastic.docker Started 0.2s
⠿ Container rabbitmq.docker Started 0.2s
⠿ Container metastore.docker Started 0.2s
⠿ Container indexing.docker Started 0.2s
If you're using MetaStore without the whole framework the service is reachable via http://localhost:8040/metastore/....
:WARNING: If you want to use the service in production mode you have modify your configuration (
- Don't open port to public (as long as AAI is not implemented)
- Use a productive database (e.g. postgres)
- Setup directories for schemata and metadata to a reliable disc. (metastore.schema.schemaFolder, metastore.metadata.metadataFolder)
- Check all settings in (e.g. CSRF)
ℹ️ If MetaStore should be used standalone (without KIT Data Manager) you have to install a database before. (See 'Installation PostgreSQL')
Before you are able to start the repository microservice, you have to modify the file '' according to your local setup. Therefor, copy the file 'settings/' to your project folder, rename it to '' and customize it. Special attentioned should be payed to the database setup (spring.datasource.*), and the paths of schemata (metastore.schema.schemaFolder) / metadata (metastore.schema.metadataFolder). to the repository base path. Also, the property 'repo.messaging.enabled' should be changed to 'true' in case you want to use the messaging feature of the repository.
See setup database and setup for MetaStore2.
As soon as you finished modifying '', you may start the repository microservice by executing the following command inside the installation folder:
user@localhost:/home/user/metastore2$bash /PATH/TO/EMPTY/INSTALLATION/DIRECTORY/
- Information about KIT Data Manager 2
- REST Documentation MetaStore2 API V1
- REST Documentation MetaStore2 API V2
The MetaStore2 is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.