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Slim Framework Skeleton


  1. Map Routing to Controller app/MVC/routes/*.php
  2. Twig View, Layout and View Helpers
  3. PDO wrapper for SQLite and MySQL with - "envms/fluentpdo"
  4. Form builder and validator from ZF2 example from - github/akrabat/slim-zendform
  5. SMTP Mailer example from - github/swt83/php-smtp
  6. Alert and Notifications using - slim/flash
  7. Access Control List


In project for Controllers use such folder structure:

app \ MVC \
    |- Controllers \
        |- <Module Name> \
            |- <Class name> \

And for Views:

app \ MVC \
    |- views \
        |- <Module Name> \
            |- <Class name> \
                |- <Action name> \

1. Map Routing to Controller app/MVC/routes/*.php


1. In app\MVC\routes\*.php add

$app->any('/', \App\MVC\Controllers\Index\IndexController::class . ':index')->setName('home');

2. In app/bootstrap.php, in // Add routes section add

require __DIR__ . '/routes/*.php';

2. Twig View, Layout and View Helpers - "slim/twig-view"


in any Controller use:

return $this->view->render($response, 'index\index\index.twig', [
    'var' => $var

In Twig view you can use:

1. URL constructor

{{ path_for('<route name>', { '<route var1>': '<route var1 value>' }) }}

2. URL to assets constructor

{{ assets('path/to/script.js') }}` - convert to `/base/path/assets/path/to/script.js

3. Current route variable - currentRoute

4. csrf_tokens() CSRF protection with method - {{ csrf_tokens() | raw }}. Use it inside all your <form> in views. It will process CSRF check.

5. get_site_url() With method - {{ get_site_url() }} you can receive full path for your website in view

6. is_route_allowed('route_name') Use it to check if is need for you route are allowed for current user {% if is_route_allowed('route_name') %}{% endif %}. As example to show link for protected page.

7. is_role('GUEST') | is_role(['USER', 'ADMIN']) Use it to check if is current user has need roles. You can put string or array with roles from \App\Libs\Acl->__construct If you set wrong role name it will be skipped!

8. is_xhr() Return true if route loaded via XHR in other case return false

9. Link to modal Add to link data-target="sm-modal" or data-target="lg-modal" to load page by link href in small or large modals respectively

10. Ajax form Add to form ajax-form class and it will be processed using Ajax. You can use it in combinations with previous feature

3. PDO wrapper for SQLite and MySQL with - "envms/fluentpdo"


In app/MVC/Models/ create class:


namespace App\MVC\Models;

 * Class ClassName
 * @package App\MVC\Models
class ClassName extends CoreModel {

ClassName - should be the same as table column name

More info about usage FluentPDO see in docs

4. Form builder and validator


Create Form class in app/Forms


namespace App\Forms;

use Zend\Form\Form;
use Zend\InputFilter\InputFilterProviderInterface;

 * Class UserForm
 * @package App\Forms
class UserForm extends Form implements InputFilterProviderInterface
    public function init()
            'name' => 'email',
            'type' => 'email',
            'options' => [
                'label' => 'Email address',
            'attributes' => [
                'id'       => 'email',
                'class'    => 'uk-input',
                'required' => 'required',

            'name' => 'submit',
            'type' => 'button',
            'options' => [
                'label' => 'Send',
            'attributes' => [
                'class' => 'uk-button uk-button-default',
                'type'  => 'submit',

     * @return array
    public function getInputFilterSpecification()
        return [
            'email' => [
                'required' => true,
                'filters'  => [
                    ['name' => 'StringTrim'],
                    ['name' => 'StripTags'],
                'validators' => [
                    ['name' => 'EmailAddress'],

In Any Controller:

$form = $this->getForm('App\Forms\UserForm');

if ($request->isPost()) {
    $data = $request->getParams();
    $isValid = $form->isValid();
    if ($isValid) {
        // Do something

More info and details

5. SMTP Mailer example from


in any Controller use:

    // required
    'to' => ['', ''],
    'subject' => 'Mail Subject',
    'body' => 'Mail <b>Body</b>.',
    // not required
    'from_name' => 'From Name',
    'copy' => ['', ''],
    'hidden_copy' => ['', ''],
    'attachments' => ['/file/full/path/1.jpg', '/file/full/path/2.jpg']

To render Email body from Twig view use:

$this->getEmailBody('emails\<view name>', [
    'view' => 'parameters',

More info and details

6. Alert and Notifications


In Controller use one of:

$this->container->flash->addMessage('primary', '<h4>This is a Primary Notification</h4>');
$this->container->flash->addMessage('success', '<h4>This is a Success Notification</h4>');
$this->container->flash->addMessage('warning', '<h4>This is a Warning Notification</h4>');
$this->container->flash->addMessage('danger', '<h4>This is a Danger Notification</h4>');

$this->container->flash->addMessage('alert-primary', '<h4>This is a Primary Alert</h4>');
$this->container->flash->addMessage('alert-success', '<h4>This is a Success Alert</h4>');
$this->container->flash->addMessage('alert-warning', '<h4>This is a Warning Alert</h4>');
$this->container->flash->addMessage('alert-danger', '<h4>This is a Danger Alert</h4>');

To allow Alerts and Notification in your custom layout use View Helper:

{{ show_flash_messages() | raw }}

More info and details

7. Access Control List


In app/Core/Libs/Acl.php inside __constructor use method

$this->addAllowedRole('USER', \App\Core\Constant::ROLE_USER);

\App\Core\Constant::ROLE_USER - used only for convenience, you can provide any integer to adding need role in your app (do it before call parent::__construct)

In method rules() add rules for your named routes

ACL work only with named routes. All routes that you don't specify in ACL will be marked as DENY.