LIBcc10819 Documenting
LIBff10818 DefaultDialogManager as fast singleton implementation
LIBcc20818 Gradle files update
LIBcc10818 ProGuard refactoring
LIBcc10815 build.gradle update
LIBcc10810 Inspection
LIBff70809 bg, hr, hu, nl, ru, sk, sv, th translations updated
LIBff70809 Greek language added
LIBff60809 Finnish language added
LIBff50809 Danish language added
LIBff40809 Azerbaijani language added
LIBff30809 WeakReference<Dialog>
to dialog implemented
LIBff20809 rateNow(...) added, call this method directly to go straight to store
LIBcc10809 Some methods were documented
LIBff10809 Dialog OnShowListener added
LIBfg40808 Thai language added
LIBfg30808 Swedish language added
LIBfg20808 Serbian language added
LIBfg10808 Albanian language added
LIBff90808 Slovenian language added
LIBff80808 Slovak language added
LIBff70808 Dutch language added
LIBff60808 Hungarian language added
LIBff50808 Croatian language added
LIBff40808 Both in/id locale support
LIBff30808 Both he/iw locale support
LIBff20808 Bulgarian language added
LIBff30719 Migrate to GradleMavenPush Release 1.1.0
LIBff10714 Upgrade to GradleMavenPush
You can’t perform that action at this time.