ebuzz is an American multinational e-commerce platform that facilitates online consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales. The website allows individuals and businesses to buy and sell a wide variety of goods and services, including electronics, fashion, collectibles, home and garden products, sporting goods, and vehicles.This is a collaborative Project from Masai School in the Construct Week With the 5 team members within 5 Days.
Deployed URL π Click here
Vishal Verma (Team Leader) (My Linkedin profile :- https://www.linkedin.com/in/vishal-varma-96a9bb241/)
Rushi Joshi (My Linkedin profile :- https://www.linkedin.com/in/rushijoshi3798/)
Ayush Kaushik (My Linkedin profile :- https://www.linkedin.com/in/ayush-kaushik-81418a250/)
Abhishek Jha (My Linkedin profile :- https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhishekjha96/)
Kashif Jamal (My Linkedin profile :- )
On this journey we faced many issues, but we keep motivated each other with patience.
We all learned how to read and understand the code of other team members.
We learned how to write more efficient and clean code.
Even though We also learned how to plan a project and how to execute it step by step.
By this Project we have learned how to collaborate and communicate with team effectively and improving the productivity.
We also got a glimpse of using GitHub for the version control.
Source Code(GitHub link):- https://github.com/Vv97/rampant-quiet-9349/
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