- https://github.com/boy-hack/nmap-parser
- https://github.com/lcvvvv/gonmap
- https://github.com/nmap/nmap
- https://github.com/projectdiscovery/naabu
- new.json为新增加的探针与对应的规则
- 已有探针上添加匹配规则,使用AddPattern函数
- 支持域名,未添加端口则默认为80
- UDP只会探测处于优先端口列表中的端口,如果未匹配并且Body为空则会更改为关闭状态
- 待完善:udp端口的判断
No input detected. Hint: cat ip:port.txt | file
Usage of nmap-sV:
-b Show port banner
-i Show all info
-n int
the number of tasks each goruntine will handle when send and match (default 30)
-o string
Output to json
-t int
Threads (default 50)
-time int
timeout for port (default 5)