Common to Any MCU, Easy to Add-on. Internet Offload co-Processor, HW TCP/IP chip, best fits for low-end Non-OS devices connecting to Ethernet for the Internet of Things. These will be updated continuously.
- W6100EVB
- connecting Micro usb.
- connecting Ethernet cable.
In case of used to TrueSTUDIO, it is the same as HTTP Server example.
This project requires an environment that runs DHCP and DNS.
Demo Environment & Program
- Windows 10
- web browser(internet explorer or crome)
- Hercules
- Windows 10
Demo Result
- Power On and push Reset button to start Program
- Program Run Serial display
- If you want to work over IP version 6, set the ip_ver value which is in main.c from AS_IPV4 to AS_IPV6.
- main.c code flow
-Test packet capture file : will be update, if DHCP is OK
- Power On and push Reset button to start Program